Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3446: Xuan Lei Beast ancestors leave

Seeing such a scene, even if Xiao Yu's concentration was good, he couldn't help but feel moved.

The people here seem to have seen some Tianwei.

After all, what you need to know is that the power that can tear the void must be a first-class powerhouse in the plane.

Think about it, in the lower planes, the battle of the top strongest can not only fly in the air, but also tear the void.

Of course, the lower planes can't be compared with the higher planes.

After all, the higher planes are the mainstream planes of the Nine Heavens World and the gathering place of the strong.

Even if the entire thirty-six small worlds are united, none of the weakest planes is so strong. This is the limitation of the law.

Seeing their ancestors tearing apart the void with supreme strength, Mu Yuan and others looked shocked and surprised.

The vortex in the sky was still spinning, but the figure of the old thunder light had already begun to appear transparent.

Obviously, the thunder and lightning elder used all his energy just now, and then he opened the vortex of the void.

"Senior!!" The eyes of Mu Yuan and the others showed a kind of unbearable, and even more miserable.

At this moment, they seem to understand what their ancestors are going to do.

"Don’t cry. I believe that my sacrifice is worthwhile. I also know that doing so will surely make many of you oppose. But, my people, it’s time to make a change. There is no change but death. We don’t I can just wait to die like this."

The elder Raiden said this, and immediately looked at Xiao Yu, his eyes full of gratitude.

"Little brother, thank you for what you said to me, otherwise I would never dare to take this step. I will live forever in the thunder pond. It is you who have changed me, and I believe you can change them."

In the words of the elder Raiden, they referred to themselves as members of the Profound Thunder Beast clan.

Xiao Yu nodded, feeling mixed.

The good news is that my efforts have not been in vain, at least, Mu Feng, and the thunder and lightning old man was affected by him, thus affecting the entire Profound Thunder Beast clan.

Although Xiao Yu is not a great saint who can save all living beings, what he has done is only to help the profound thunder beast clan break through his own demons under the premise of obtaining the thunder power of the thunder pond.

Moreover, it was also because of the behavior of the Xuanwu clan that made him feel a kind of anger.

Strictly speaking, Xiao Yu shouldn't care, and he was not so capable, but he saw the potential in Mu Feng, and saw that a suppressed young genius was destroyed by the heart demon.

He saw his shadow on Mu Feng's body.

Once upon a time, so did myself.

Therefore, given the opportunity now, he would definitely not let himself repeat the same mistakes, or even let the people around him follow in his own footsteps, as did Zi Ji.

The entire Profound Thunder Beast clan was plunged into a kind of sadness.

In fact, they knew very well that after the basalt youth returned this time, he would definitely send someone over again.

In other words, as long as Mufeng's blood is still there, Xuanwu will not give up.

Moreover, the young man from Xuanwu was injured in this way, but he was injured by the so-called Xuan Lei beast that had tainted the blood of Xuanwu.

If a dignified beast tribe in the top ten in the sky is rumored to be defeated by a "sideline" tribe who has been swept away, how would outsiders think of their basalt tribe?

The old man Leiguang had already begun to become illusory, as if he was about to drift away with the wind.

"I mobilized all the power in the Lei Chi, and I have opened up the space leading to the North Sea of ​​Underworld. From now on, there will be your second home."


After the old man said, the figure began to disappear.

The entire Profound Thunder Beast clan is full of sadness.

And at this moment, the voice of the lightning old man seemed to pass into Xiao Yu's ears from far away.

"Son of Shura, I hope that in your lifetime, if our clan suffers from annihilation, you can take a rescue..."


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