Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3452: Dangerous Upper House Examination

Xiao Yu knew clearly that Qingyin didn't want to scare herself.

Even at the time, Ge Shan persuaded himself that he would not go to participate in the next year, and he also warned those who had gone to the upper house not to let himself enter the upper house easily.

But even Xiao Yu was not afraid at the time, let alone now?

However, both Ge Shan and Qingyin said at the same time that the assessment of these upper courts would be very difficult, and the difficulty was daunting.

Even, even killing can be done, which seems a bit excessive.

Qingyin said: "Perhaps because the overall strength of our Cangling Academy is lower than that of the other four academies over the years, and the birth of geniuses is relatively less than that of a few academies, so the five peak masters gave orders to Strictly control the assessment of the upper court."

"Then why it doesn't matter if you kill someone?"

"If you kill someone in the academy, the academy must take care of it, but the assessment of the upper house is not controlled by the academy." Qingyin said.

"Not controlled by the academy?" Xiao Yu was puzzled again.

How can the assessment of your own college be out of the control of the college?

And the invigilators are all from the college!

Qingyin didn't disclose much, saying: "In short, there is not much time before the upper court assessment. You must consider it carefully. It is not because you look down on you, but because of your strength. It may be difficult to pass the assessment. Kill."

Xiao Yu seemed to be more and more interested in the assessment of the upper court.

What Qingyin didn't know was that the more he said that, the more Xiao Yu became interested in this upper court, and was full of expectation and curiosity.

The middle of the night soon passed, and the two of them once again focused on Tengyuan Continent.

In any case, they are about to step into the territory of tiger carvings, this is not a joke.

After Xiao Yu and Qingyin came to the edge of a cliff, they started to stop.

Just because there is no road ahead.

The two looked far away.

It was sunny in the distance, and from a distance, huge clouds seemed to fall down.

Xiao Yu's eyes narrowed, and in a vague way, he seemed to see a lot of shadows flying towards the clouds in the sky.

These shadows looked very small because they were far away, but Xiao Yu knew in his heart that they were actually not small at all, and they were huge, just because they were flying monsters!

"It seems that the flying monster is ready to go there." Xiao Yu stared at the clouds in the sky.

The cloud is tens of thousands of miles above the ground, and standing here can't see the sky.

But what they know is that above the clouds, it is the place where the plane tree is!

Xiao Yu was also surprised when he heard Guan Zhong said that the plane tree was in the sky.

After all, he had never heard of trees growing in the sky.

Qingyin said: "It is rumored that in ancient times, the phoenix was injured and fell down here in Tengyuan Continent. In order to rebirth from Nirvana and prevent the monsters here from being disturbed, the phoenix used great mana and moved a small piece of land in Tengyuan Continent In the sky, the phoenix tree grew as a result. When this phoenix was reborn from Nirvana, his blood penetrated into the phoenix tree, and it penetrated countless years later."

Xiao Yu nodded when he heard the words, and said, "The world is so big that it is nothing strange. I am afraid that a monster inadvertently broke into it, so this news spread like wildfire."

"Yes, I also learned from the sky of a monster beast on the way to perform the task." Qingyin said.

Xiao Yu nodded and said immediately: "It's not too late, let's prepare too."

"and many more."


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