Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3455: Island of Indus

After passing through the clouds, everything in front of me suddenly became clear.

Xiao Yu couldn't help but exclaimed, only to see an island floating in the air, which really went beyond Xiao Yu's expectations.

From a distance, the floating island has lush towering trees, which is very surprising.

Because it is above the clouds, the sky is actually a starry color.

Far away where the end cannot be seen, countless stars shimmered down, shining on this island, filling the island in the sky with a deep, mysterious and wild atmosphere.

"Is this the island above the sky?" Xiao Yu was amazed.

To be honest, he couldn't imagine that there was such a magical scene in the sky at such a high place.

What kind of mana is this to be able to achieve such an incredible scene?

The Golden Winged Roc said, "Don't be surprised, if you can fly in the air, even tear the void, and travel too empty, you will see even more incredible things."

The former Golden Winged Dapeng was so mighty that Nine Heavens World had been given to him almost all the time. It could be said that there was no place he didn't know.

Xiao Yu put away the look of surprise in his heart, just because after coming here, many flying monsters have rushed over.


But shortly afterwards, Xiao Yu was surprised, and saw that he saw many flying monsters on the backs of people sitting in twos and threes.

"Hey, they are really amazing. They thought of this." Jin Wing Dapeng said jokingly.

Even Qingyin frowned.

At first they thought that only flying monsters would come here, but now other monsters came here with the help of these flying monsters.

As a result, there are naturally more competitors in competition.

Xiao Yu stared at the people on his back and suddenly seemed to have thought of something. He immediately looked at Qingyin solemnly, who also became more solemn.

"Since ordinary people would think of this method, then maybe they would too!" Qing Yin said in a deep voice.

Xiao Yu nodded.

He had said to Guan Zhong before that this phoenix blood was so precious that it would inevitably attract the patriarch of the four monster beasts. Of course, Xuan Lei beast was excluded now.

The Black Underworld Python and the patriarch of the Blood Devouring Demon Ape are very strong existences. If they join this fight, then maybe they will be nothing.

However, Guan Zhong said at the time that they could not go because the blood of the parasol tree was in the sky.

But now?

Xiao Yu and the others seemed to underestimate the intelligence of the monster beast!

Xiao Yu said: "Don't be so anxious. The tiger-patterned sculpture has a natural advantage, and it has an advantage in the sky. Even if the blood-devouring demon ape and the black navy python do come, it is difficult to compete with the tiger-patterned sculpture."

Qingyin remained silent, frowning deeper and deeper.

The blood of the phoenix is ​​of great significance to her and to Bai Luanfeng.

Under normal circumstances, innate monsters like Bai Luanfeng can improve their strength together with their masters, and Xiao Yu understood this truth when he was in a lower plane.

However, Xiao Yu ignored one factor, and this factor would only be magnified at higher planes, and that was blood.

If monsters and humans have signed a contract relationship, then they can promote each other's cultivation.

Bai Luanfeng's bloodline stayed in this state, not only could not help Qingyin, but it would also drag Qingyin to some extent and make Qingyin stagnate.

This is fatal to both parties.

And at this moment, suddenly, a fierce battle came from a distance!


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