Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3459: Thunder Revealed

When Xiao Yu thought, the thunder stone in his heart started to get hot.

In order to stimulate the power of Thunder Stone, he deliberately hung on his heart.

Xiao Yu stood on the back of the Golden Wing Roc, and the surging thunder and lightning suddenly gathered on his arm.

An overbearing aura permeated, Xiao Yu grabbed it in the void, and a thunderbolt appeared immediately, and then threw it towards the front, where a spear slammed at him.


That spear was originally transformed by the energy of the tiger-pattern carving, and it turned into countless points of light in an instant. At the same time, the lightning pierced the space and swayed towards the tiger-patterned tribe. For a moment, that The tiger-carved person turned into a pool of blood without even screaming.

"It's the power of thunder!!"

At this moment, the inside of the tiger-pattern carving suddenly exploded, and the faces of all the tiger-pattern carving people turned pale.

Especially the person who had exploded into powder of the tiger carving beside him just now, his heart trembled even more, one could imagine his psychological shadow.

For them, the power of Thunder is their nemesis, and it can weaken their power when encountering the Thunder attribute.

They all saw the Golden Wing Roc, their expressions moved.

"This... how is this possible? Golden Winged Roc?"

For the birds and monsters, the tiger carving family has a unique feeling.

Especially like the golden winged roc in the sky.

The long and pointed beak, sharp eyes, and dazzling golden light all explained one thing to them, this is the legendary Golden Winged Roc!

But why does the Golden Wing Roc have such thunderous power! ?

At this time, a middle-aged man flew in front of the tiger-carved clan. Although his eyes were jealous, he still said in awe: "No matter who it is, the patriarch has instructed him to kill anyone who is close to him!!"


Those tiger carvings were yelled by the middle-aged people, and once again attacked the golden winged roc.

The Golden Wing Roc swept over again, and the golden light struck out. At the same time, Xiao Yu grabbed the palm of his palm, and a thunder burst out, and the void just slapped the past.


Although these thunder powers are absorbed by the thunderstone from the thunder pond, what you need to know is how terrifying is the thunder power in the thunderstone?

The power of thunder in the thunder pond is the energy of the ancestors of the profound thunder beasts!

Countless thunder and lightning flashed out, and several tiger carvings rushing forward were directly blasted into dross.

But this still couldn't stop them from blocking Xiao Yu's determination.

Xiao Yu kept hitting the light of thunder, how could the tiger-pattern carving family resist the momentum of thunder in the thunderstone, dozens of tiger-pattern carvings were all killed by the bombardment, and the eyes of the remaining middle-aged man were finally horrified When he got up, he seemed to want to escape, but was flashed by the Golden Wing Roc, and split into two halves on the spot.

Seeing this scene, the qingyin eyes behind him exude a little splendor.

With Xiao Yu and the Golden Winged Roc in the lead, they were as if they were in an uninhabited state, and Qingyin's confidence also greatly increased.

The Island of Indus is very large, not only the theater on this side, but other battle circles also have a strong atmosphere of battle.

However, it was a time to race against time, and it must arrive before the Phoenix's blood was born.



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