Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3464: Tiger carving guarding the army (part 1)

An extremely pure energy was agitated, and the red light was like the sun shining on the earth, and the entire void was still shrouded in a sacred atmosphere.

For this kind of energy aura, the first one to obtain a judgment and feel it is the patriarch of the tiger carving.

The patriarch of the tiger carving, Xiu Cheng, turned around and flew in the direction of the plane tree at the moment he felt the breath.

After hearing the orders of their patriarch, the tiger-carved clan members instantly leaned together, trying to stop those who wanted to advance.

But they seemed to underestimate the strength of the patriarchs Luo Shi and Lian Wu of the Blood Devouring Demon Ape and the Black Underworld Python.

They only took a half a beat, but at the moment they realized that the blood of this phoenix was born, they were driving the flying monster beast that they sat down and flew past.


The breath of Luo Shi and Lian Wu burst into the sky, and the tiger-print carvings were simply unable to stop them for half a moment, all of them were shaken away.

Luo Shi and Lian Wu dashed through the direction and just caught up on the spot.

For a moment, the red light in the distance was so great that the eyes of those desperadoes were fiery.

That is the blood of the Phoenix!

It's a rare encounter in a thousand years!

The lower-level monsters said that there is almost no chance, but most of those who dare to come here are upper-level monsters, and many of them are even lower-level monsters. Don't they just have no chance?


Sure enough, the divine aura emitted by the red light in the distance made them unable to resist.

That kind of pure energy comes from the bloodline, and there is a chance that they can evolve into a higher bloodline power!

Under this temptation, the monster beasts roared directly, and the imposing power on their bodies exploded with no effort, and successively rushed towards the tiger-patterned defense line.

Lian Wu and Luo Shi had just broken through a hole in the tiger-print carving family's defense line, and immediately made up for it.

Luo Shi and Lian Wu are too strong, even if all of these tiger-patterned clan are not opponents of the two superpowers.

Therefore, they are also looking for death after chasing the past.

But they can't be broken through the line of defense by these monsters behind!

Putting in Lian Wu and Luo Shi was helpless, so they couldn't cause chaos to their patriarch.

"All obey orders, intruders, kill without mercy!!"

The great elder of the tiger carving roared, and the eyes of the hundreds of tiger carving clan were all murderous. Then, they all changed and transformed into a very strange monster.

It was a monster with a tiger's body, tail, eagle wings, and eagle head. The whole body had some lines on it, which looked very strange.

This is the body of the tiger carving! !


The remaining hundreds of people from the tiger pattern carving were all transformed into the body. The monster beasts that tried to rush over seemed to be desperate, and countless energy fluctuations agitated, and they also turned into the body of the monster.

"Boom boom boom!"

For a time, hundreds of other monster beasts rushed towards the people of the hundreds of tiger carvings. The scene was very vast, and the sound of the collision directly shook the entire Wutong Island.

The overall strength of the two parties is also comparable, and this is even more evenly matched.

"Let's go too!"


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