Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3468: Break through the line of defense

In Tengyuan Continent, the bloodline that can make them feel jealous is almost non-existent.

There is only the Xuan Thunder Beast clan. The ancestors of the tiger carving have "visited" the Xuan Thunder Beast's territory, but they were bombarded back. Therefore, their ancestors set an ancestral training not to set foot in the Xuan Thunder Beast's territory. , Let alone provoke them, because their blood is very strong.

But now, this kind of blood breath makes them feel oppressed.

This is a distance of kilometers! Such oppression caused the three monster tribes to frown and were shocked.

But who knows, immediately after an extremely shocking force swept over, in that golden light, there was a thunder light bursting out.

Xiu Cheng's pupils shrank slightly, the power of thunder!

He is too familiar with these powers of thunder, that is the nemesis of their blood!

At the same time, Luo Shi and Lian Wu were also in shock.

Xiu Cheng's eyes drenched, and suddenly it turned into a ray of light, and Huo Ran continued to fly over the Internet.


Just now, when I lost my mind, Xiu Cheng seized this opportunity, which made Lian Wu and Luo Shi furious.

The two drove the monster beast to chase it up, and soon they fought fiercely together.

"Are you going to stop me!!" Xie Cheng was also furious.

They let the monster beast they were sitting on burn their blood, making it fly at the same speed as their own, which gave their own speed no advantage.

"Don't talk nonsense, if you want Phoenix blood, ask me first!"

Even Wu and Luo Shi were not united. In fact, the three of them had selfish intentions, and they knew that the more Phoenix's blood, the more they agreed.

Who wants to share a piece of the pie with someone who has nothing to do with his blood?

The three of them fought in an instant.


On the other side, Xiao Yu's Thunder Light Fist that contained the Chongxiao Fist instantly shook the past, and the four-headed tiger carvings were shocked when they saw such power.


They were completely shocked by Xiao Yu's offensive, but they still shouted one after another, and all rushed over.

At this moment, the overbearing power that Xiao Yu burst out immediately attracted the attention of all monsters and beasts.

Those thunder and lightning rays instantly enveloped the four-headed tiger carving. Xiao Yu's fist style was like a turbulent occasion, and the four-headed tiger carving was defeated on the spot.

Among them, the two tiger carvings with the weakest strength were killed on the spot. One of the remaining two tiger carvings was seriously injured and the other was not seriously injured.

"Ok... so scary..."

The strongest tiger-patterned tiger's eyes showed horror. Most of the offensive just now was blocked by his own partners, and he was saved from this disaster.

But before he could do anything, the seriously injured tiger carving immediately shouted, "Be careful!"

The golden light flashed over, and the Golden Wing Roc suddenly turned into a sharp light and rushed over.

The tiger carving was immediately knocked out.


Xiao Yu immediately transmitted the sound to Qingyin, and the latter and Bai Luanfeng also followed directly.

Seeing the distant figures of the Golden Wing Roc and Bai Luanfeng, the tiger carving suddenly gasped.

The injured tiger carving flew over and said anxiously: "What should I do? They flew over."

"We don't want to chase, there is the patriarch, Luo Shi and Lianwu, we just guard here."

Immediately this tiger carving roared: "Those who have just broken in, don't stay alive!!"


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