Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3485: The Secret Method of Returning Ancestral Bloodline (Part 1)

In the distance, when the monster beasts saw this scene, they all gasped.

"This is the power of the Black Underworld Python! It is rumored that after being invaded into the body, half of the foot has stepped into the underworld!"

"I heard that this is the profound bloodline secret method of the Black Underworld Python family. Patriarch Luo Shi insists on killing this kid!"

Just now everyone saw that Xiao Yu could defeat Lian Wu with a single punch. They were still very shocked by Xiao Yu's strength. They didn't expect that the opponent in a blink of an eye would be caught in such a situation of life and death.


Xiao Yu took a deep breath, followed by another, and a whirlpool appeared in his mouth.

"The technique of swallowing gold!!"

Countless black mist swept up, and then he was inhaled into his mouth.

The black fog disappeared instantly.

"how is this possible!?"

Luo Shi's pupils shrank, and Xiu Cheng and Lian Wu's expressions changed drastically.

These dark mists were actually sucked into the stomach! ?

"This...what kind of monster is this!"

The monsters in the distance were also shocked.

Yes, this is still Gu Eagle’s gold swallowing technique. After using the gold swallowing technique, Xiao Yu swallowed these dark mists into his stomach, and immediately used the dragon swallowing energy to refine this power. This is regarded as for Xiao Feather provides a lot of extra power.

Xiao Yu clenched both fists and made two "boom booms", two bursts of energy burst out from his fists.

"Chongxiao Thunder Fist!"

Xiao Yu immediately slammed out with a punch, and then slammed out the Zhenlong pile with thunder attributes.


This time the Chongxiao Fist was even more terrifying, after all, this power was released by Luo Shi's body!

Luo Shi was close to the enemy and knew that he could not escape. Suddenly, Luo Shi's bloodline power was urged to the extreme. When he opened his mouth, he roared. Vaguely, a black dragon head unexpectedly condensed and appeared, directly impacting. .


However, under the powerful strength of Xiao Yu, Luo Shi's black dragon head that had just condensed was still defeated. His figure was as if he had been knocked into the air hundreds of meters, with blood flowing in his head.

Another patriarch is injured! !

The faces of those monsters changed drastically.

"Too strong! Where is this kid sacred!!"

Luo Shi's eyes showed a kind of anger and jealousy.

"Unexpectedly, Luo Shi has already moved towards the blood of the'Black Dragon'." A monster that had lived for hundreds of years in the distance exclaimed.

The people around exclaimed: "Black Dragon!? A side branch of the Dragon Clan!?"


"It is rumored that the python family are distant relatives of the dragon clan, and the black nether python is the bloodline of the ancient black dragon degenerated."

"But Luo Shi is still weaker."

Everyone looked at the young man who was hanging in the air with jealous eyes, full of horror and fear.

The monster beasts in Tengyuan Continent rarely leave, and of course they know how powerful the humans outside can be.

But how long has it been, how long has no humans been able to fight against the top power here.

"The second one. The third one is up to you."

Xiao Yu's eyes suddenly fell on Xiu Cheng's body.

The latter's face changed wildly. If it were in the round realm, the opponent was obviously inferior to himself, Luo Shi, and Lian Wu.

But the increase in the opponent's various strengths and the use of some combat skills can actually cause even Wu and Luo Shi to be injured, which is incredible.

"If you don't see the coffin, you won't cry!" Xiu Cheng gritted his teeth and suddenly roared.

It's not that Lian Wu and Luo Shi can't beat each other, but that they haven't really fully exploded their strength!

They all know that if this continues and they are broken one by one, the opponent will run away!

But as soon as his voice fell, Xiao Yu's figure was already in front of him.

"Don't be arrogant!!"


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