Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3487: Retreat to exhaustion

The three monsters' bodies blasted over, immediately creating a huge amount of pressure on Xiao Yu.

But Xiao Yu knew that he had no retreat.

"Boom boom boom!"

In the sky, the three-headed huge monster beast over a hundred meters in size and a golden shadow violently collided.

Numerous rippling fluctuations were agitated, causing huge shocks in the space of Tengyuan Continent.

Perhaps it was because the power of the collision in the sky was too terrifying. Although the space was not torn apart, it was twisted endlessly.

Looking from a distance, the space in the sky was completely distorted, and only the halo shot out. It was no longer possible to see the fighting situation there.

But the kind of deafening momentum and the aftermath that continued to agitate all made these monsters retreat far away.

It seems that the entire space will be fluctuated and then broken.

Facing the full offensive of the three demon beast patriarchs, even if Xiao Yu's overall strength is stronger and he has more skills, he still gradually struggles.

In addition, with two fists hard to beat four hands, Xiao Yu was already unable to do what he wanted.

And the bad news is that the power of Thunder is limited, and there is not much left in the constant consumption.

In that terrifying attack, Xiao Yu's body was severely damaged. It can be said that no bones in his body are intact.

The replenishment speed of life force can no longer make up for Xiao Yu's consumption speed, and if this continues, Xiao Yu will be killed because he can't hold on!

Moreover, it didn't take long for the Golden Winged Dapeng to recover, and it was impossible to continue fighting. In other words, Xiao Yu could not hold on for long!

"Boy, can't face them head-on! Find a chance to escape, meet that girl, and then leave here!!" Golden Wing Roc also said weakly.

It is indeed a big test for Xiao Yu to surpass his own realm strength to challenge the opponent.

Always, the realm of the three major monster clan chiefs was too strong. If it were to be consumed, Xiao Yu couldn't be enough for them.


Xiao Yu was shocked and retreated again, the golden light on his body began to dissipate a lot, and his breath was also suspended.

"Hahaha! Boy, are you exhausted? The external force is always on the sidelines, you can't be our opponent!!" Lian Wu grinned.

In the beginning, they were suppressed for such a short time, which made them feel very aggrieved.

But now that the opponent's strength is gradually weakening, and there is no longer any reliance, it is naturally their turn to hold the initiative to kill.

Xiao Yu's eyes drenched, and the three combined offensive just now almost made him vomit blood, but he swallowed the blood that reached his throat abruptly.

With a move in Xiao Yu's heart, all the remaining thunder power was completely urged, and all of them were blasted out with one punch.

Countless lightning bursts flashed bright rays of light, swept out like a tornado, and the sky as if thunder roared.


The face of the three-headed monster beast became slightly solemn, and it was obvious that the offensive of this attack was much stronger than before.

However, in their opinion, the other party was already at the end of the battle, and the three immediately rushed up and collided with this piece of thunder.


A deafening sound exploded in the sky, and Xiao Yu's thunder attack was shattered once again.

The white light shone through the sky, and after the white light flickered, the still trembling space was revealed.

"Hahahaha, boy, I said, it's impossible for you to defeat..." Lian Wu laughed wildly, but immediately, his face was frozen.

"What about the kid!?"

The expressions of Xiu Cheng and Luo Shi changed slightly, their eyes looked far away, a golden light slowly faded out of their sight, and it had flown dozens of miles away!

Xiucheng's face changed drastically, and he shouted angrily: "That kid is going to run away! Chase!!!"

Lian Wu was furious, and the roar resounded throughout the world.

"Boy, you can't escape, Tengyuan Continent is our territory, I must tear you apart!!"

The three-headed monster beast suddenly caught up.

Yes, after the last burst of thunder power, Xiao Yu took the opportunity to escape.

At this time, the Golden Winged Dapeng was desperately urging all his energy, flying towards the place marked in space.

"Quick! They have found it!!"


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