Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3489: Race against time (part 2)

As the king in the sky of Tengyuan Continent, Xiucheng's strength is not covered.

Compared with Luo Shi, who is also using the flying ability of the monster beast, they are born with wings and a part of his body, so Xie Cheng can gain the advantage in flight.

Soon, he slowly left Luo Shi and Lian Wu, the latter also getting farther and farther away from Xiu Cheng.

Lian Wu was a little worried.

On the one hand, because the blood of the Phoenix was on Xiao Yu's body, on the other hand, seeing that Xie Cheng was so far away from them, he was afraid that Xie Cheng would be the first to ascend.

Luo Shi also tried his best to urge the flying python to fly, and said coldly: "Don't worry, Xie Cheng dare not swallow it alone. If he dares to swallow it alone, I will kill the tiger carving!"

The patriarchs of the three big monsters are too familiar with each other. In their opinion, they still know what their calculations are, and they are also afraid of each other.

Luo Shi and Lianwu also flew desperately in the direction of Xie Cheng.

At this time, the distance between Xie Cheng and Xiao Yu was getting closer and closer, and from tens of miles to ten miles, and then to a kilometer, the falcon of Xie Cheng began to flicker with cold light.

"Boy, you can't escape from my palm." Xiu Cheng sneered.

And at this moment, a golden light burst out of the Golden Winged Roc's body in the distance, and a wild aura from ancient times was swept out.

"this is……"

Xiu Cheng was moved, he felt that his blood was about to freeze, the suppression of blood from the same kind of monster beast gave him a trembling posture.

That is the bloodline power from the distant ancient times!

"The power of blood!"

The Golden Wing Roc exploded with the long-lost bloodline power, and in an instant, his size soared to hundreds of meters.

Xiao Yu on his back was completely frightened.

"This..." Xiao Yu took a deep breath.

The power of the Golden Wing Roc has changed dramatically!

Sitting on the back of the Golden Winged Roc, a strong and extreme wild aura enveloped, and there was a kind of superior posture in it.

The golden feathers are like pieces of golden armor, just like the magic carved by nature.

Xiao Yu couldn't help but feel moved. This is the bloodline power of the Golden Wing Roc!

The Golden Wing Roc has not used the power of his bloodline even when he faced the three big monster clan chiefs just now, from regaining his physical body to being intact, but when he fled.

This is not because the golden winged roc has something to hide, but because the power of blood is extravagant for the golden winged roc.

In any case, the Golden Wing Roc is a tool spirit, and his physical body has just recovered, so the power of blood in his body must be very few.

If it is over-stimulated, it will cause the power of blood to fall into a deep sleep, Xiao Yu is a living example.

The killing power is the power derived from the blood of Shura. The transitional urging caused the blood of Xiao Yu to fall into deep sleep twice, which is very risky.

The Golden Wing Roc finally recovered his complete body, how could he easily use it?

Now at the critical moment, the Golden Wing Roc finally no longer hides it.

The golden light flashed, and the Golden Wing Roc turned into a golden light again, flashing towards the place marked in the space.

"not good!"

Xiu Cheng was shocked. The sudden burst of strength of the Golden Winged Roc made him unexpected, and just now he didn't use his full strength because he knew that he could catch up with the opponent, but now it seems that he was careless!

"Where to escape!!" Xiu Cheng roared and drew an arc in the air, and his speed increased several levels again. This time, he urged with all his strength.

Lian Wu and Luo Shi in the back sensed that Xiu Cheng suddenly increased speed, their expressions shrank, and they chased up again.


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