Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3491: Open space channel

Xiu Cheng, Lian Wu, and Luo Shi fell one after another.

More than two hours of catching up is obviously a long consumption for them.

The flying python and the flying monster immediately separated from Luo Shi and Lian Wu, and they collapsed directly to the ground, over-consuming and dying on the spot.

However, the missions of these two flying monsters were also completed. For them, the only target they had now was this human!

Xiu Cheng said coldly, "Boy, don't you like to escape? Why, you can't escape now, right."

He was the closest to the Golden Wing Roc just now, so he was most sensitive to the changes in the Golden Wing Roc's breath.

He obviously felt that the power of the Golden Wing Roc was not supporting, and the power of the Golden Wing Roc was not supporting, which was equivalent to giving them a chance. This kid could no longer escape.

"Hand over the blood of the Phoenix!!" Lian Wu's **** eyes flashed with murderous intent, walking towards Xiao Yu step by step.

Who knew he had just walked two steps, and there was a very strange fluctuation in the distance.

Luo Shi frowned first, and then his pupils shrank and shouted: "Stop that girl, she wants to open the space channel!!"

Xiu Cheng's face changed drastically, and Xuan even looked at Qing Yin in the distance.

In a short while, the space just expelled a rotating black hole, and an extremely strange atmosphere of space was diffused.

The space channel is open!

Xiao Yu suddenly relaxed in his heart, and the Qingyin over there quickly called out, "Xiao Yu, go!"

"Don't think about it!!"

Xiu Cheng yelled, and the tiger's anger sounded vibrating. He immediately rushed towards Qingyin, fast, like a wolf like a tiger, almost like a tiger rushing for food.

The speed of Xie Cheng was too fast, and the distance of several hundred meters was just a matter of blinking an eye for the top ten monster beast powerhouses.

Qingyin didn't step into this space channel, but crushed the teleportation jade slip to inform the growth and old age on the other end.

Qingyin was shocked, and Bai Luanfeng returned to Qingyin's body. The latter said anxiously, "Go! This kid will be fine!"

Qing Yin took a deep look at that figure, and finally stepped into the space transmission channel.


Xiu Cheng's body swept over, and it was immediately empty. The space transmission channel was still open, but Xiu Cheng looked inside and his eyes were murderously exposed.

The space channel inside is good, but he doesn't match the space transmission jade slip with it. After entering, he will only enter the space turbulence and fall into the endless void.

"Don't let this kid go!!"

Xiu Cheng turned back immediately, staring at Xiao Yu like a wolf.

Lian Wu and Luo Shi over there finally realized the seriousness of the matter, and the three immediately rushed towards Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu's eyes flashed, he didn't smash the space so quickly to send the jade slip, because as long as it was within ten miles of the space mark, Xiao Yu could instantly enter the space passage, but he didn't.

The patriarchs of the three monster beasts were extremely powerful, as if it made Xiao Yu breathless.

"Sure enough, I still want to release this. In that case, let's see if it is well-deserved!"

Xiao Yu's eyes also showed the black sharp light that saw Qingyin just now.

After a while, he held his hand, and a black flame, burning quietly, appeared in suspension.

Yes, it was the black flame Chu Dongmen gave him!


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