Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3502: Shocking God's Mansion (Part 1)

After Qiongqi swallowed Gu Eagle's beast, he was recovering, but he didn't expect to wake up so soon.

Xiao Yu asked suspiciously, "Assault on the Divine Mansion? What do you mean?"

After the Tianfu realm is the Shenfu realm, this is the realm Xiao Yu had heard of early on!

Because that is the most basic state of going to the upper court!

With the Divine Mansion Realm, Xiao Yu's confidence is even stronger. This is a good thing in itself, so why is it so urgent in his strange words?

Qiongqi quickly explained: "This is a good palace, but the palace is divided into different levels."

"Divide by level?"

Xiao Yu didn't know much about the Divine Palace Realm, and even the so-called Divine Soul Realm was just an extremely vague concept.

"You must not underestimate the gods. The gods are not only the evolution of the gods, but also the preparation for the future birth of the fetus. The so-called fetus, you can understand the embryonic state of the gods, so the rank of the gods Strength directly affects the strength of your spirit in the future."

Xiao Yu was shocked suddenly, but he didn't expect that this divine palace was such a critical realm.

"Then what do you mean by the level you just mentioned?"

"look by youself."

I saw that the palace was smashed away by the imposing power of the five-clawed golden dragon, and after turning into an endless void, vaguely, within the entire palace, there was actually a slight red light engulfing the entire palace.

"This is the Red Grade Divine Palace. There are four levels in the Divine Palace, Red Grade, Blue Grade, Purple Grade, and the highest gold grade. The rank of the Divine Palace is directly related to your talent. Of course, in the entire Divine Palace realm, If the talent is high and strong, the rank of the gods will be improved, but there is no one in a million. Now it is a good idea to stimulate the rank of the gods at once, and the blood of the phoenix is ​​the most suitable!

Xiao Yu immediately understood what Qiongqi was talking about.

If the rank of the gods is higher, the spiritual power refined within it is naturally stronger.

Although in the later cultivation, the rank of the gods can be improved as the talent is gradually stimulated.

However, if you break through to the Divine Palace Realm and immediately impact the Divine Palace to a higher level, then in the future battles, can your own advantages be played out in advance?

Without saying a word, Xiao Yu immediately absorbed the remaining Phoenix's blood when he moved his mind.

After the Phoenix's blood entered Xiao Yu's body, it still went through the dragon swallowing breath.

Who knows, after the Phoenix's blood was refined by the dragon swallowing Qi, there was a loud bang, like a flooding Yellow River, and the extreme fire attribute energy burned directly in Xiao Yu's body.


But at this moment, the accident happened immediately. The power that condensed the blood of the phoenix instantly burned. An extremely pure and beautiful aura burned directly in Xiao Yu's body, and immediately evolved into a head. Big bird burning all over.

This big bird is full of red and fire, and the owner has a few very mighty heads. Although the whole body is red, the back is flashing with colorful colors, especially the long feather tail, as if Like the peacock on the screen, it dragged out the majesty of a king of birds inside.

"This is the Phoenix, one of the four great beasts!?"

However, Xiao Yu didn't wait for Xiao Yu to be shocked. After encountering the refining of Long Tunqi, the Phoenix blood suddenly began to violently resist.

"Quickly, suppress it! Otherwise, you will be burned into ashes!" Qiongqi reminded hurriedly.

Xiao Yu took a deep breath, and his blood flowed at an extremely fast speed, and a five-clawed golden dragon had evolved directly!


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