Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3517: New genius

Xiao Yu wanted to go back and concentrate on training, but Tong Qing was very enthusiastic, and forced Xiao Yu to go to the practice venue. Xiao Yu thought about it, and then followed.

Just as Bu Yun said, knowing oneself, knowing one's enemy is victorious in all battles, and after Xiao Yu came back, he hardly walked in the lower house.

Mo said that he hadn't walked around in the lower yard after he came back. Even before, Xiao Yu had hardly walked around.

There is a martial arts school field in the lower court. This school field is for the children of the lower court to compete in martial arts.

This is naturally similar to a competition, but this kind of competition is also not capable of killing people.

However, these competition venues exist in any academy, force or family.

Xiao Yu's actual combat is so great, and coupled with his vision and combat experience, perhaps not many students in the upper court can compare with him. Therefore, he is not interested in these competitions.

On the contrary, he has some interest in the new students from the lower house.

"Didn't you pass the big exam in the lower house? How come so many people suddenly come?" Xiao Yu asked.

Tong Qing said: "This is normal! The college has some belated family children every year. They miss the entrance examination of the lower court because of retreat or practice, but their talent and strength are beyond doubt. And they all come from big families. The talent and strength are very strong, and they are favored by the academy. These people greeted the academy in advance. Now it happens to be the five major seminaries for the joint assessment. They also took this opportunity to come to the academy."

"In fact, to put it plainly, they used the name of the academy to participate in the big exams of the five great temples. Some were to prove themselves, and some were to worship under the main peak in order to gain the inheritance of the gods."

Xiao Yu nodded slightly when he heard the words.

The family children who came to the five great temples almost all came for the inheritance of the five great gods.

No matter how declining, the five great temples are still standing on top of the nine-day world.

The so-called rotten ship also has a three-point nail, and the five great temples are protected by the remnants of the five great gods. Not many forces in the Nine Heavens World dare to prove confrontation.

Soon, Xiao Yu and Tong Qing arrived at the competition venue.

The venue for this competition is very big and very lively.


On the martial arts stage, one person was directly beaten off the ring, and the attacker was a young man.

The man who was beaten down had a bruised nose and swollen face, and he vomited blood.

"One waste, is the so-called A hospital all such rubbish?" The young man sneered disdainfully.

Xiao Yu, the person who was beaten up just now, recognized him. He had also seen him at the exchange meeting of the Third Academy at that time, but his strength was not strong, but his level of Condensation Wheels.

Today's Xiao Yu, even within the A house in the lower house, the strength gap is very huge.

Based on the situation at the time, the strongest existence could reach the level of the eightfold level of Li Haoguang's Tianfu Realm, while the weaker ones, such as the Cen Guan Li challenged by Xiao Yu at the exchange meeting, were only the level of the fourth realm of Condensation Wheel.

For a while, many of the people in the A hospital showed a look of jealousy, just because this person is too strong, it is simply difficult to fight.

"Who is this person? It seems arrogant." Xiao Yu asked lightly.

Tong Qing was also filled with righteous indignation, and said: "This guy is called Lu Chengan, and he is also the person who came in from behind. He is very strong. After he comes in, he will challenge Gu Hong and Li Haoguang. He will lose a little later, and then he will challenge the people from the third hospital , As long as he doesn't please his eyes, he will ask for a challenge."

"Why don't those people just go up?"

"This guy is rich and rich. He said that as long as he accepts the challenge, he will have a barley. Those who win will get more. Those guys will rush to make meat buns. But who knows, this guy doesn't keep his hands at all. With heavy hands, many of the people in the A hospital were lying on the bed for a long time, and one was almost killed."

Xiao Yu nodded slightly, and then his eyes condensed. This person's breath was indeed a bit deep, like the ocean, and it seemed that the way to breathe was not simple.

The young man glanced at the people in the audience and yelled: "Didn't there be a kid named Xiao Yu who came back from Tengyuan Continent before? Let him come to see me, I want to see what this guy can do!"

Tong Qing widened his eyes and looked at Xiao Yu next to him. Wouldn't it be such a coincidence? They were caught by this guy when they first came?

And Xiao Yu showed Pinghu, calmly, but his eyes were contemptuous.

"Brother Yu, is this guy provoking you?" Tong Qing muttered.

Provoke yourself? I don't know how to live or die.


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