Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3522: Eclipse Fist

Lu Chengan's pupils shrank, and his face turned pale. The punch from the other party actually possessed the sixth level of cultivation of the Tianfu realm like himself!

I didn't expect this guy to be at the same level as myself!

And what shocked him most was that the opponent's fist seemed calm, but in fact it contained domineering and surging power.

Between the golden light flashes, only a "bang" was heard, Lu Chengan's palm was immediately broken, his arm bone broke, and the whole person retreated dozens of meters on the spot, and his entire arm was numb.


The audience thought Xiao Yu would be at a disadvantage, but when they saw this scene, they suddenly held their breath.

In one round, Lu Chengan was forced back! ?

This is nothing short of what they imagined!

Lu Chengan's eyes were extremely shocked, his entire hand was hanging down, and he didn't have the slightest strength.

"How could you be the sixth layer of the Tianfu Realm!!" Lu Chengan's eyes were cracked, frightened and angry.

"The frog at the bottom of the well, how can you know what strength I am? Do you want to fight again?" Xiao Yu asked lightly.

For a while, the audience was silent.

The punch that Xiao Yu just now contained an extremely vast aura power with ease. They couldn't figure out how Xiao Yu did this step anyway.

The most incredible thing is that Xiao Yu actually reached the sixth level of the Tianfu Realm! ?

"How is it possible, he... is he really a pervert?"

"This Nima... we have all cultivated for nothing..." Some students in the upper courtyard almost vomit blood.

After a trip to Tengyuan Continent, his strength has progressed to the level of a first-rate genius in the lower house. If this were not seen by himself, it would be impossible to believe it.

"Boy, I don't believe that you can defeat me. After all, it's an external force!"

How could Lu Chengan swallow this bad breath? In his opinion, Xiao Yu was able to escape from the Tengyuan Continent only because of the help of the secret method of the Academy Peak Master. In terms of realm and strength, the opponent could not be his opponent. !

"It seems you are not convinced!"

Xiao Yu shook his head slightly, only to see his figure flashing, and a golden light flashed across the ground.

"Body spells and spirits!?"

"Fast speed! I can't see it anymore!"

Everyone exclaimed again, even Lu Chengan's pupils shrank, and he saw a shadow suddenly rushing towards him, almost between the sparks and flints.


After all, Lu Chengan was not born in a small family. Although he was arrogant, his six senses were still beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

He immediately vacated the uninjured punch and hit it directly to the left.

"Eclipse Fist!"

He yelled, his fist light burst out, but who knew that the fist light seemed to swallow and compress the space, and suddenly hit it out.

Xiao Yu's figure stagnated, and he was a little surprised: "The power of space!?"

Yes, the moment when the fist light burst out, a semi-closed oppression space was formed within this area, as if to swallow all the light in this space.

Xiao Yu felt the pressure coming from all directions, and at the same time, the fist style was also very powerful, and he focused on hitting himself.

Ordinary people, when encountering the power of these spaces, they must be in a hurry. After all, they are one of the two strongest forces in the world!

Lu Chengan sneered in his heart, now you are out of luck!


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