Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3528: He hides his strength!


Xiao Yu kicked out with one leg, and the man's back was kicked to pieces on the spot. At the same time, Xiao Yu's golden light flashed like a beating star, flashing out twice in succession, as if it was the same time of misery. The other two people were shocked by Xiao Yu immediately, and both suffered serious injuries. Either the bones and muscles were diagnosed, or the internal organs burst.

"Brother Yu, be careful!"

But when they were not happy to come over, Tong Qing exclaimed, just because a blue shadow suddenly rushed behind Xiao Yu, and the long sword suddenly slashed towards Xiao Yu's head.

Xiao Yu's heart sank. It was obviously that guy from the Seventh Layer of the Tianfu Realm, but he felt a strong murderous intent in it.

If this is a fancy, the head will be in two.

These guys actually made a real murder!

Xiao Yu's heart trembled, he turned his head abruptly, grabbing the long sword that he wanted to look down with in one hand, and with a "kneg", the blue-clothed youth's long sword could not be cut off.

The blue-clothed youth's pupils shrank, and seeing the red eyes, he actually smelled of horror.

Xiao Yu snapped his hand, and with a "keng" sound, the opponent's middle-grade Lingbao broke on the spot.


The audience was shocked. The middle-grade Lingbao was actually destroyed by Xiao Yu's hand like scrap iron! ? This is really incredible.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Yu clasped the opponent's shoulder with one hand, and with a sudden force, the blue-clothed youth let out a miserable scream. One arm was removed on the spot, and there were many shreds of meat and meridians on it. The lotus root is broken.

And immediately afterwards, Xiao Yu just broke the opponent's long sword and grasped the broken sword, and suddenly it hit the opponent's heart.

The blue-clothed youth died on the spot.

At this moment, everyone in the audience shuddered, and the face connected with Ju Wenfu was twitching slightly.


They couldn't believe that Xiao Yu actually killed someone!

That young man in blue was beaten by Xiao Yu with a short sword!

The four seriously injured people in the Ju family were all stunned. On the school grounds, their people were just killed!

It's still a Seventh Heaven Realm!

And Lu Chengan, who had been healing from a long distance, trembled violently, his face was so pale that there was no blood.

The Ju family is much stronger than his family, and the blue-clothed youth is also stronger than himself.

The opponent can kill even a Heavenly Palace Stage Eighth Layer, what if it is the original self?

Wouldn't it be a dead body! ?

"He hides his strength!!"

Lu Chengan's heart shook again, his back numb.

The opponent is not the same strength as himself, but has hidden strength!

What kind of cultivation is he! !

In their opinion, the five people who were born in a big family are all of the same level in strength, and they are all among the best in the lower house.

But it was better than the blue-clothed youth, the Eightfold Heavenly Palace, was just killed, and the remaining four people could only climb on the ground.

"Boy, you are so courageous! You dare to kill on the school ground!!" The long-haired youth over there cried out pale.

"If you kill, then kill, so what? Is it possible that I was killed by him standing up? Even if I go to the Xingtang, do you think I will be afraid?" Xiao Yu said indifferently.

Those who come to the five major seminaries to experience are all family children of all dimensions, either high or low. In short, these students almost all come through recommended places.

In other words, don't underestimate the fact that these students seem to have mediocre talents among students, but in their families, they are all geniuses that are focused on cultivation!

Therefore, their experience is generally very limited. If you think Xiao Yu is like this, you can kill people without blinking their eyes.

For a while, the few people in the Ju family couldn't say a word.



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