Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3543: Depart for the Floating Mainland (middle)

Ding Qi beside Brother Dai smiled, and seemed to look at Xiao Yu with interest.

Or put it this way, Xiao Yu was too easy to recognize, standing out of the crowd, not many people stood with him.

And the calm, calm posture, you can see that it is not an ordinary person.

"Although this kid is making a lot of noise, it's not just luck to evaluate it in the secret realm of the gods, it's about strength."

"The two standing in front should be Sima Kou and Ju Wenfu?"

"The Sima family and the Ju family are not simple. Although they are not super-large families and ancient families, they are well-known and the strength of the two families is not weak."

"The two boys from the Gu family and Li are not weak." One of them also looked over. Not far away, there were three young figures standing next to each other. They were Li Haoguang, Gu Hong and Lu Xiao.

"Tsk tusk, it's really interesting, I don't know if we will meet them inside!" Ding Qi said with a smile, looking a little expectant.

These genius children in the lower house, and even some veteran students who are more powerful than their upper house, are not easy to be born.

I think they were also the best in the House of Commons back then, and now facing the genius of the House of Commons who is also an elite, naturally there are some secret thoughts in their hearts.

"Ding Qi, you said we met students from our college secretly, shouldn't we put some water?" a student from the upper courtyard asked in a low voice.

Ding Qi said indifferently: "Those colleges have seen us not pleasing to our eyes for too long. I am thinking that they must be thinking about the same problem."

Immediately, the group looked at Brother Dai.

They were selected to participate in the assessment of the upper house brothers, the purpose is to give some obstacles to the lower house in the assessment.

But what you need to know is that you will inevitably encounter people from your own college.

In this way, this involves a fairness issue.

If people from other colleges meet people from their own college and deliberately release water, then the success rate of their fellow students will naturally be higher.

Senior Brother Dai said solemnly: "The elders held a meeting to explain to us that this assessment will not only be responsible to the upper court of our college, but also to the upper courts of several other colleges. We can’t control what others do, but we can manage ourselves. If you do this, what is the significance of the five major seminaries?"

"You know, our Cangling Academy is already at the bottom of the five major colleges. If even those who enter the upper house are not properly checked, then the overall strength of the upper house of our Cangling Academy will only stagnate."

Brother Dai's words did not lower his voice, but were heard by people in the lower house. Many people in the lower house were slightly discolored.

On the contrary, it was Xiao Yu. He couldn't help but look at this Senior Brother Dai more than three points, fair and strict, black and white, this is a righteous person.

But for Sima Kou, Ju Wenfu, Li Haoguang, Gu Hong, and Lu Xiao, it seems that the impact is not great.

They are the most favorable competitors in the upper house, and any suffering has the least impact relative to them.

Instead, Ding Qi said with a smile: "Senior Brother Dai said that it is enough that we do our own duties. I don't know how strong the little guys in the other colleges are."

Brother Dai was silent, but those in the upper house were like a mirror in their hearts, and they were not broken.

With the help of his powerful six senses, Xiao Yu heard Ding Qi's words instead, and his heart was silent.

Obviously, Ding Qi meant: We can't release water to our own people, can't we still strictly guard the students of other colleges!

This is the secret rivalry in the five great temples, and it can be regarded as a kind of open and secret struggle.

"The elders are here."


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