Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3552: Fourth Grade Scroll, Hades

His third-rank formation, rain and mist formation, came from the academy, but the rank of the third-rank formation is not high. It is good to use in the Tianfu realm, but it is used in the strength of the Shenfu realm. It's not very big.

"Four-Rank Formation, Dark Spear Formation, 500,000 Spirit Barley."

The man who sold this scroll was a shrewd man. This man had weird eyes and looked around, but he could not be underestimated. The strength of this man was not simple.

What Xiao Yu didn't know was that the people who came here were more or less capable.

After all, in order to prevent others from killing and overtaking, you naturally need to prepare with both hands, and you cannot take it lightly.

Those who can sell things here are not only shrewd, but also can't easily believe that without two brushes under their hands, how can they gain a foothold in this place where dragons and snakes are mixed.

"Qingqi, what is engraved in this scroll is a fourth-rank formation. Can you tell me if I can do the opposite and dismantle this formation in a reverse way."

"Boy, you want to practice, right?" Qin Qi said lightly, he seemed to have seen through Xiao Yu's mind a long time ago.

"Exactly." Xiao Yu narrowed his eyes.

Naturally, the preciousness of the fourth-rank formation method needn't be said much, but he doesn't have much resources in his hands, because spiritual arts or formation methods need to be learned from the academy.

The library of the academy naturally has a lot of spiritual formations, but Xiao Yu didn't spend much time in the academy, and a large part of the time was spent practicing outside, so he rarely attended classes.

Now that he has reached the realm of the gods, if he has a fourth-rank formation close to him, then it is naturally excellent.

"You have to ask the sky tree branches for this. It should help you a lot."

Xiao Yu's heart suddenly felt, right! Tianmu branches!

This reminded him of the soul of the spiritual master in Mo Suhe. His own method of refining poison was deduced in this soul, and it didn't require physical objects.

With the learning ability of Tianmu branches, coupled with the induction of his own soul, it might be really possible.

The Tianmu branch flickered and expressed willingness to try it.

Xiao Yu was eager to try, if it was really possible, then it would definitely shock many array mages.

But then Xiao Yu became depressed. There was an important problem here, there was no money.

Five hundred thousand spiritual barley!

Xiao Yu thought for a while and smiled bitterly in his heart. Is it true that he really needs to portray his own formation to sell, in exchange for the spirit barley?

The silver-haired girl saw Xiao Yu staring at the scroll, thinking that Xiao Yu was tempted, so she asked: "Five hundred thousand spiritual barley, I want it."

The shrewd man couldn't help but glanced at the silver-haired girl, his eyes flashed with greed, but soon it turned into a jealous color, and his pupils couldn't help shrinking.

It seems that seeing the silver-haired girl is a bit creepy.

Xiao Yu was startled, this silver-haired girl actually bought it for herself?

The silver-haired girl immediately threw out a space ring, and immediately took the scroll in her hand. The shrewd man's neck shrank and his eyes suddenly brightened.

"Thank you girl."

The silver-haired girl looked at Xiao Yu and said, "Here it is, but it's for me."

Xiao Yu almost vomited blood, that's not how it counted!

You just spoke 10 million! Is it worth half a million now?

Xiao Yu shook his head and said, "I don't like to threaten people."

"Here, here you are."

The silver-haired girl simply threw it to Xiao Yu, who suddenly became messy, what's the situation?

The other party's unpredictable thoughts made Xiao Yu a little startled.

But Xiao Yu thought for a while, and said, "Okay! I owe you half a million spiritual barley."

There is no way, this scroll really needs it.

"What else do you want, I will help you pay."


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