Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3556: Shuma monument

Because they were under the formation barrier, their conversation would not spread.

Xiao Er looked at the two of them up and down, and said, "You should be from the five major temples, right?"

Xiao Yu glanced at the second person in surprise. It is said that the second person in this shop is the person with the strongest wind. He has great magical powers and can find news here from all corners of the country. It seems that it is really not covered.

"Don’t be surprised. In the past two days, there have been many well-dressed and young people coming to the whole Drifting Continent. This matter has spread in other places. It’s just that our place is messy and the news is relatively closed. . "Xiao Er looks like everything is under my control.

Xiao Yu nodded secretly, and the three roads belonged to this road, which was the most dangerous, so it was reasonable that there were few people here.

"From this perspective, this Gan Yichen should kill us here." Xiao Yu said calmly.

"You offended Master Gan?" Xiao Er seemed a little surprised.

But soon Xiao Er nodded, taking it for granted, and said: "But it's normal to offend. Gan Yichen can't see other people's favor, especially the people from your five major temples. Because he is a cultivator, he was caught in his early years. The five great temples were excluded, so resentment arose."

"I'm not interested in his business. What was the matter they said just now?" Yanyue said.

It seems that Yanyue is not nervous about closing the city gate and being watched by Gan Yichen.

Xiao Er's pupils shrank. Although there is a barrier, he still habitually whispers: "You also know that the Gan family is a cultivator. Most of the cultivators are brutal and unkind. They live by killing, but you know why the chaos is. Are so many people still gathered here in the city?"

When Xiao Er said this, Xiao Yu's heart was immediately moved by something.

Yes, before coming, Xiao Yu already knew that this so-called chaotic city was chaotic, and there were many wicked people.

Moreover, they also persuaded themselves not to come here before they came here, which is very dangerous. According to the truth, this so-called chaotic place should be very small.

But after coming here, Xiao Yu thought it would be very depressed here, who would have guessed that not only is there no depression, there are so many people here.

This really made Xiao Yu feel surprised.

"Let’s be honest with you, the Gan family has something called the Demon Repairing Stele. As long as you practice in front of the stele, your demon path cultivation will advance by leaps and bounds. Therefore, all the demon cultivators who have attracted five directions and ten places have come over. This place is said to be a chaotic city from the outside."

Xiao Yu was surprised: "In other words, the Gan family opened up this monument of enlightenment and let other cultivators enter into cultivation?"


The silver-haired girl was silent, seeming to be thinking something, Xiao Yu then asked, "Is this magic monument accessible to everyone?"

"Yes, but this magic monument is opened once a week, oh yes, after three days, the monument will be opened, but... the two can still go and see." Xiao Er said.

He knew that Xiao Yu and Yanyue came from the five great temples. Generally, the people in the five great temples would not be demons, and they also ruled out demons. Therefore, he only asked Xiao Yu and the others to see.

Yanyue didn't say a word, and again took out a middle-grade Lingbao.

The little second thoughts, and quickly smiled: "Don't worry, two guest officers, the younger one will not reveal the whereabouts of the two."

When the enchantment dissipated, Xiao Er happily went to work.

"This magic monument is weird."

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