Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3571: One punch

Before Gan Ying could react, Xiao Yu’s fist was like a meteor hammer at the moment Gan Ying sensed it, cutting through the void and penetrating the space. With a "shoo", it brought out a purple Changhong, which suddenly became The storm went up.

The two seem to be a hundred meters apart, but they are almost like lightning. Xiao Yu's fist penetrates directly from the chest of this huge ghost body between the size of his pupils shrinking into pinholes. And pass.

There was no sound, and even Gan Ying did not react. Immediately afterwards, his pierced chest began to split towards the surroundings, and another moment—


Gan Ying's ghostly body suddenly exploded, and countless black mists turned into terrifying black fog, and then the smoke disappeared.

Gan win, die!

The elder of the Gan family and Gan Yichen, who was secretly watching from a distance, froze in place, seeming not to react, and it seemed that everything in front of them was not so true.

Gan Ying, who was almost invincible among the Xiu Devil Monument, was broken with such a punch! ?

Gan Yichen's face is as gray as death, he finally knows what kind of existence this kid is, this is a monster!

At this moment, he only thought about one thing, and that was to escape.

But before he could move, Xiao Yu's ghost-like voice seemed to ring next to Gan Yichen's ear.

"Where else do you want to run?"

Gan Yichen was about to withdraw from his consciousness, but found that there seemed to be something unknown on his body like a tree branch climbing up his body, which shocked him greatly.

"what is this!?"

Not waiting for any action, the countless branches that spread around his whole consciousness like clouds, and immediately after that, Gan Yichen's consciousness was strangled to death.

"Young Patriarch!?"

Elder Gan's pupils shrank, and he turned his head suddenly, only to find that Gan Yichen disappeared without knowing when!

This is a sign of the loss of consciousness!

Elder Gan's family suddenly looked back at Xiao Yu, the color of horror in his eyes became more intense.

Naturally, it was the Tianmu branch that killed Gan Yichen. When Xiao Yu was distracted to deal with Gan Ying, the Tianmu branch spread out, waiting for Gan Yichen, ready to kill with one blow.

"You don't have to think about running away, whether it's consciousness or your body, you are under my control."

Xiao Yu's voice rang in Elder Gan's ears, and immediately walked in front of Elder Gan's.

The latter gave birth to a powerless posture, and he finally admitted that his life was no longer in his hands.

At this moment, the sound of "Rumbling" sounded, and the entire magical formation space began to sway, and began to become psychedelic.

Yanyue said: "Hurry up, this formation will dissipate. If you don't go out, it will become a part of the void."

"I'll get something."

Xiao Yu immediately rushed to the place with the triangular formation room just now.

"Is it this thing?"

I saw that there was a diamond-shaped transparent crystal in the middle of the triangle formation.

After the diamond-shaped crystal in the dark, the light of the triangular formation disappeared, and Xiao Yu became more curious.

"It seems that they are using this thing to control the souls of those outside, and then transform their power."

Xiao Yu closed up, because this array space had already begun to dissipate.

As soon as he thought, his figure disappeared from this room.


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