Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3581: Give me three rounds

Xiao Yu just seemed to have punched it casually, but you must know that it was a punch that contained the power of the dragon and the powerful background of the Jin-Rank Divine Mansion, but this spirit treasure was just flying away.

"It turns out that there is all his power in it." Xiao Yu thought back to Jin Liao's appearance just now.

Jin Liao Na is the strength of the peak of the Divine Origin Realm, naturally, the power of the whole body is just an ordinary thing in it.

Xiao Yu sneered, but he was still not angry, and two light blades directly killed them.

The two light blades were almost like the wings of the Golden Winged Roc. The remaining twenty-odd people once again realized the horror of Xiao Yu, but they did not have any strength to resist.

Finally, except for the five people in the Divine Origin Realm, the others were cut into two again, without even screaming.

The remaining five masters of the Divine Origin Realm also felt a kind of fear, their team of seven or eighty members, and now there are only five of their Divine Origin Realms left!

And how did they know that if it hadn't been for Jin and Liao who had been using Lingbao to stop Xiao Yu, they were already dead souls under the sword of the Seven Star Sword.

And above the city wall, these people who use spears, spears, or array wizards, face the Yanyue elves-like body skills, and the offensive of ghosts, they are simply unable to fight, death, death, injury On the ground, the guards of the hundred people on the wall directly killed and injured most.

Yanyue's hair was flying, like a beauty under the moon, and like a ghost in the night.

"You don't have to work for him, go on." Yanyue said lightly.

They could see that Yanyue was not a big killer!

If you really want to get serious, are they still dead?

Finally, these guards all jumped off the wall and escaped.

Standing on the city wall, Yanyue looked at Xiao Yu's battle below with great interest.

"I solved the problem, just wait for you." Yanyue said.

Xiao Yu rolled his eyes, who let their boss be below!

"Give me three rounds." Xiao Yu said, turning his head to look at Jin Liao.

After the black gourd was knocked into the air just now, Jin and Liao were already shocked, and at this moment, hearing such brazen words as Xiao Yu, Jin and Liao immediately became furious.

"Boy, do you really think you can kill me!"

I saw Jin and Liao roar, and his seal changed one after another. In a short while, countless black mist sprayed out on the black gourd. This black mist immediately enveloped the area of ​​one kilometer, all the streets and houses. , Even the city walls are shrouded in black mist.

Seeing this scene, the pupils of the people who had long been outside the city gate shrank.

"This Jin Liao is crazy! Unexpectedly, he started the ghost beam formation in his ghost beam!"

"It is rumored that this is the power refined from the sacrifice of living people, and then a **** power of demon cultivation is formed in it, and a person who is caught in this magic circle can swallow all the creatures inside!"

These people immediately felt lingering fears. In other words, as long as the people inside, even their own people would not let it go!

This Jin Liao, in order to kill the opponent, even his own people are not let go!

They are now somewhat thankful that they didn't take advantage of the chaos to get in, otherwise they would definitely not be able to get out!

"Boss, what are you doing! We are still inside!!" Jin Liao's subordinates suddenly changed their expressions and shouted.

Jin Liao grinned three times and said, "I will let you die well. Your death is to help me improve my strength."


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