Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3586: Transform the Hades

In the middle of the night, the Tianmu branch immediately destroyed the self-destructing formation without touching the "self-destructing" sealing formation.

Immediately afterwards, with the help of Tianmu Branch and Xiao Yu's powerful soul talent, this fourth-rank formation was finally mastered by him.

"Unexpectedly, this fourth-rank formation is actually portrayed by tens of thousands of souls." Xiao Yu took a deep breath.

His three arrays of rain and mist are nothing but the power of thousands of souls, and these four-rank arrays have almost doubled.

But this can also show that the power of the fourth-rank formation is not comparable to the ordinary third-rank formation.

"Boy, you have mastered this formation, now follow it to portray it, then you will master it, why are you still hesitating?" Qiongqi asked.

Xiao Yu sounded the scene of practising the formation technique when he was in a lower plane.

After Xiao Yu possessed the Divine Soul Dao at that time, once he had practiced the formations, Xiao Yu could often increase the power of those formations on the basis of the original formations.

Simply put, it is the frame of the soul power that transforms the formation.

For another example, in the process of searching for Fenhuo, he had some understanding of Fenhuo, and then joined the formation. With the help of Shenhundao, he could also condense the formation of flames.

This is the powerful method of soul cultivation-the ability given to Xiao Yu by the Divine Soul Dao.

"I want to change this ghost spear formation. Two more soul powers can be added to the depiction here, and the soul powers here can overlap..."

Soon, Xiao Yu was immersed in the joy of reforming the formation.

One night's time soon passed.

A figure appeared outside the mountain forest, and then he held it out of thin air, and immediately made a throwing motion towards a huge mountain of 100 meters in front of the void.

And at this moment, there was a strange fluctuation in the space. If someone didn't know why, he would think Xiao Yu seemed to be crazy, but the facts were not the case.


After a while, the one hundred-meter huge mountain in front suddenly burst open, turning into countless rubble, and the dust was flying.

"It's finished!" Xiao Yu was overjoyed.

The correction of the fourth rank formation method Hades spear formation was successful!

"With this blow, if I face Gan Ying again, he will peel off without dying." Xiao Yu's eyes lit up.

The Earth Spirit Array Mage who can condense the Fourth Stage Array is enough to fight against the Divine Origin Realm.

Of course, Xiao Yu was not afraid of being afraid of the level beyond the Divine Origin Realm.

Because these four-rank formations have already surpassed the power of ordinary profound level spiritual arts.

Yanyue walked slowly over and said, "So you have been practicing this fourth-rank formation all night."

"Yeah." The color of joy on Xiao Yu's face slowly recovered. There seemed to be a faint golden light on his face, and the whole person felt filled with a tranquil atmosphere.

The seemingly plain answer, but it made Yanyue feel a little uneasy.

In one night, you can learn a fourth-rank formation from a fourth-rank formation scroll. What a terrible talent is this?

Although Yanyue was not a Array Mage, she knew how difficult it was to practice this way.

This person is at least a heavenly soul talent, right?

"Let's go." Xiao Yu said.

Then, the two of them moved in the direction of Wei's house.

A few hours later, in a short while, a huge ancient city fell into their eyes.

Different from Wei's house, this ancient city looks very ordinary, and it does not seem to be abnormal.

But because of this, Xiao Yu felt a little suspicious.

"It seems that we have to be more careful, this Wei family is a bit difficult!" Xiao Yu looked at the ancient city and narrowed his eyes.


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