Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3589: Zhenhun Tower

Yanyue said indifferently: "I didn't expect that even you would be trapped here for so many days. I thought you were already in the past."

Lang Chi shook his head and said: "No, I have been observing here for a few days. The people who came here for the assessment are dead to death. Thousands of people came in. Now there are less than two hundred people left, but The rest are those of the five great temples that are fairly powerful."

Xiao Yu frowned: "This Wei family is so powerful? Can actually stop so many people? How many people break through?"


Xiao Yu was taken aback. He didn't expect that the route of this formation family was even more difficult!

I thought that the chaos of the three routes was the most dangerous, and it seemed that the mage family couldn't be underestimated.

Lian Yanyue frowned, but the latter was attentive. She pondered for a while and said: "If I guess it is right, it should not be those guys who didn't break through, but just like you, they are waiting for the opportunity. right?"

"Yes." Lang Chi nodded.

"Brother Lang, just now you said this is the Soul Resurrection Tower, what is that? And, what opportunity are you waiting for?" Xiao Yu asked.

Lang Chi explained: "It is rumored that there is a powerful soul creature under this stone platform, which was then suppressed and sealed by a strong man. As for what opportunity is waiting..."

Lang Chi looked at the middle of the stone plate and said, "You will know it at midnight tonight."

Having said that, Lang Chi turned around and left. After two steps, Lang Chi's voice came over, saying: "The Fengxiang Tower in the west of the city is all from our five major temples. We have a better chance to go there. "

Lang Chi left after speaking.

This guy is so strange, Xiao Yu muttered in his heart.

Yanyue thought for a while, and said, "He shouldn't be able to lie. It is very possible that the spire you mentioned is the soul-suppressing tower that Lang Chi said.

Xiao Yu nodded and said, "Since, let's find a place to rest, let's see why this so-called soul-suppressing tower is a fetish."

According to their guess, the Fengxiang Tower in Lang Chi's mouth should be the place where people from the five great temples gathered together temporarily in order to get out of this ancient city.

The two walked towards the west of the city, Xuan even saw a very large pavilion standing there.

The pavilion is as high as a dozen floors, and it seems to be one of the best tall buildings in this ancient city.

On the street, it seemed that when many people passed by Fengxiang Tower, they couldn't help but look up. At this time, many people in bright clothes were sitting by the window.

These temperaments are extraordinary, they are full of horns, and they are obviously not ordinary children of the family.

"These people are so blatant." From a distance, Xiao Yu saw the cold arrogance in these people's eyes.

"It's been five days now, and those who can stay will not be too bad in strength. There is no Divine Mansion Realm and Tianfu Realm, at least it is Tianyang Realm. This force is united and should not be underestimated." Yanyue said. .

Xiao Yu nodded secretly, and the two immediately walked under Fengxiang Tower.

The exterior of Fengxiang Tower is very magnificent, and it has a quaint taste. Obviously, with the family of the two hundred people inside, this Fengxiang Tower should have been packaged.

However, Xiao Yu felt that this group of blatantly contracted the entire restaurant, showing a tendency to fight against the Wei family!

No matter how strong the dragon is, they don’t suppress the local snakes. They assess “borrow” other people’s places and pass by other people’s territories. Even if they don’t ask for directions in advance, this group of people seems to want to oppose the guest!

However, on the outside, the five major temples can be said to be one. Since Langchi suggested, they can only go in and walk around.

And in front of Fengxianglou's gate, there were four people guarding the gate, and the strength of these four people actually had the second level of the Tianfu Realm!

"Who is the one who came here, please sign up!"


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