Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3591: Meng Guo

Lu Xiao glanced at Li Haoguang and Gu Hong, winking and smiling.

Her family is second to Li Haoguang and Gu Hong, and her strength is also worse than the two, and she doesn't have much grudges with Xiao Yu.

Lu Xiao also knows something about what Li Haoguang and Gu Hong did to Xiao Yu.

On the contrary, Xiao Yu's series of actions in Cangling Academy made her more and more interested in this person.

Of course, the three of them felt a little strange. It's been more than half a week. Why did Xiao Yu come now?

And one more thing, Xiao Yu was actually with the genius of Zifu Academy.

This surprised them.

Lu Xiao glanced at Li Haoguang and Gu Hong, who were not so good-looking, and said with a smile: "I heard that he even dared to kill the men of Ju Wenfu. His strength is at least eightfold in the Tianfu realm. ?"

When Lu Xiao said this, Li Haoguang and Gu Hong's expressions seemed even colder.

Tianfu Realm Eightfold, that was already Li Haoguang’s cultivation base before retreat, but how could they imagine how long it took this kid to enter the lower courtyard?

Or to put it this way, how long has this kid been from the chakra state until now? It's just half a year!

This is already almost equal to them! !

How can it be accepted in their hearts?

Of course, before the entrance exam, they also entered the retreat. This was not without any effect. On the contrary, the effect was still very obvious. At least, both Gu Hong and Li Haoguang broke through to the level of the gods.

"No matter how strong this kid is, is it possible that he is still in the Divine Palace Realm? The Tianfu Realm and the Divine Realm Realm are a watershed. Even if he has the assistance of Lingquan Waterfall, without the assistance of an expert, and the assistance of the elixir, it will be difficult to break through." Gu Hong sneered. Said.

"The last time he was killed, he didn't die. This time, it seems that this is the place of his burial." Li Haoguang said calmly, but there was a kind of blade-like chill deep in his eyes.

Lu Xiao looked at the figure below, her long eyelashes blinking, giving her a special flavor.

"I wonder if he can come up?" Lu Xiao said with a smile.

"Meng Guo is the eighth layer of the Tianfu Realm, but it is not the same as the junk man in Ju Wenfu. Ordinary people may have been put in, but the year of this kid is Yanyue, which is hard to say." Li Haoguang said lightly. .

As soon as the voice fell, the lower part became more lively.

When Xiao Yu heard what Meng Guo said, instead of being angry, he asked: "You mean, if I have the cultivation base of Sima Kou or Ju Wenfu, I can go in? Where are these people upstairs? And you? How can you qualify to enter?"

Xiao Yu's words were so sharp that many people upstairs cast them indifferently. Obviously Xiao Yu was going to throw this phlegm potato to Meng Guo, and even Meng Guo made fun of it.

Are you trying to stop me? Isn't it about Sima Kou and Ju Wenfu? What about your own strength?

"Hehe, I didn't say that. Don't buckle me indiscriminately. I just don't think Fengxiang Tower can come in any cat or dog." Meng Guo sneered.

He seldom concealed his mockery of Xiao Yu, and even gave it color.

"A Tianfu Realm Eighth Layer, dare to block the way here, does Ling Tian College have someone like you without eyes?" Xiao Yu shook his head slightly.

Yanyue stayed silent and looked at Xiao Yu with interest. This was the first time she saw Xiao Yu's "arrogant" posture.

Suddenly, the people upstairs began to be in an uproar.


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