Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3599: Soul Resurrection Tower opens

The most savage and direct way to break the formation is to break the formation with absolute power, so that the formation will also break without attack.

Of course, there is a shortcut, which is to find the front line, or find all the front lines to break one by one.

And since Langchi and the others already knew that it was the Soul Resurrection Tower, they also knew that the power of the soul could not be infinite, so they absolutely used the power of two hundred people and tried their best to break the formation.

The strength of two hundred people cannot be underestimated. They don't know if they can succeed, but if they want to break through, they can only unite so that they can break this formation. This is their idea.

Yanyue nodded and said: "This is indeed a way out of nowhere. It is impossible to wait and die. After all, there is only one or two days left."

The so-called firewood gathering by everyone is high, and in this situation, no one can hide.

Because once they hide their clumsiness, they will not only harm others, but also make themselves lose the opportunity to continue the assessment.

Of course, Lang Chi is also carrying his hands on his back, looking far ahead, a little awe-inspiring faintly passing by his body, and the whole person looks bland.

"Since the Wei family received the news in advance that we will come, we have probably guessed our actions. After all, within a radius of a hundred miles, without the Wei family, it cannot be controlled. If it fails, it can only prove that I and this **** are good fortune. There is no fate."

This attitude of unhappy or unhappy is indeed the same as the wind attribute Shenwen attribute that Lang Chi has cultivated, a posture of indifferent and clear will in peace.

However, Yanyue said unceremoniously: "Even if you fail, you are still from the upper court of Chenyuan College. There are millions of good things in the world, and the mystery of the gods is just a legend, maybe."

Xiao Yu sighed in his heart, yes, for a genius like Lang Chi, to enter the upper court is nothing but a certain thing, and even if he goes to the secret realm of the wreckage of the gods, he may not get anything!

"That being said, good fortune has to be expected once, and once less is regrettable, right?" Lang Chi nodded and said calmly.

Xiao Yu nodded, and seemed to admire this Langchi even more.

Everyone was waiting, and soon, at ten minutes of midnight, the moonlight seemed to become brighter.

"Okay, we're going to drive." Lang Chi said.

Immediately afterwards, everyone's faces were filled with a solemn look.

"Everyone, be careful." Lang Chi said, before turning into a light shadow, he swept forward.

"You should also be careful." Yanyue exhorted, and immediately passed by.

Xiao Yu nodded, and one after another people also swept over, seeming to want to get close to the soul-saving tower, but Xiao Yu remained motionless.

In a short while, a strange fluctuation spread out, and Xiao Yu's soul fluctuated for a while, and then immediately appeared in a jungle in front of her eyes.

Yes, Xiao Yu has entered the formation!

And at this moment, his soul seemed to feel a very strange touch, which was not only from his own soul, but also from the branches of the sky tree.

"This Soul Town Tower, let's see what it is then!" Xiao Yu narrowed his eyes.

Then he focused on the surrounding jungle.

"This formation is only as good as the first-rank formation?" Xiao Yu was suddenly surprised.

"No wonder he said he broke a dozen or twenty formations in a row."

And at this moment, a huge monster suddenly emerged from the jungle.


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