Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3611: Zhan Weilin (Part 1)

"Boy, it seems that I still underestimate you. I didn't expect you to know so much!" Patriarch Wei said coldly.

He never thought that so many insider things about the Wei family would be dug out by such a little boy.

You know, for so many years, no one here in Piaoling Continent can see through the ability of the Soul Resurrection Tower, and no one can guess the purpose of Wei Jia's doing this.

How did the Wei family Patriarch know? In fact, Xiao Yu was not completely sure, he was mostly guessing. He didn't expect that this was really beyond Xiao Yu's expectations.

"I didn't expect it to be true." Under Xiao Yu's calm eyes, there was a flash of indifferent murder.

You should know that ordinary puppets are usually dead people, under the application of a certain secret technique, they then show a state of strength before alive, and even a state of combat.

But this kind of puppet made by controlling people's consciousness looks similar, but it is extremely damaging.

Because strictly speaking, this state of soul consciousness presents a half-dead state between "death" and "life."

In other words, soul consciousness must be damaged, and then use this to control it.

If it is an ordinary puppet, for a Array Mage, it may take some ancient secret methods to control it.

But Xiao Yu didn't think the Wei family needed these puppets.

After all, it is only in terms of the floating continent. Although the floating continent is not the upper-class, or even the highest-ranking continents, the Wei family is a big family in this middle and lower-level continent.

Otherwise, why has the Wei family been able to stand tall after drifting to the mainland for so many years?

This shows that the Wei family does not need so-called puppets to consolidate the strength of the Wei family.

In other words, Wei Jia wants this kind of puppet that can control consciousness, even not much different from normal people, to do what they want to do.

Xiao Yu looked at the Wei Family Patriarch in front of him, and said to himself: "It is also said that if I have this kind of control consciousness and look no different from normal people, then I can not only send these people back to my Patriarch. , Assassinating the masters of the Patriarch, seizing all the treasures of a family. Even, I can go back to the five great temples, learn the mystery of the five great temples, and then give it to you later, of course, you are just a small effect ,Am i right?"

The Patriarch Wei's face suddenly became calm and quiet, silent.

But Xiao Yu knew that this terrifyingly quiet state gave people a more terrifying feeling.

"Now you are preparing to wipe out my consciousness, right?" Xiao Yu said lightly.

In this case, it is even more provocative.

After a while, the Patriarch of the Wei family did not answer Xiao Yu, but sighed with emotion and said, "It seems that there are really a lot of wizards in the world! You deserve to be from the five great temples, I want to ask you, you Which college is it from?"

"Cang Ling Academy." Xiao Yu said.

"It turned out to be Cangling Academy. I heard that this academy has always been the bottom of the five academies, but your characteristic is that it claims to have five main peaks. What a pity."

The Patriarch of the Wei family stared at Xiao Yu suddenly, and said with a cold smile: "With your strength, courage, and wisdom, there is a great chance of entering the upper court, but you have no chance, because it is Wei Lin that you met. !"


In an instant, the entire formation world began to change.


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