Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3619: Weijia basement

The Ming spear formation was broken, and Wei Xu's figure had fled to a kilometer away.

Xiao Yu wanted to chase, but after thinking about it, he gave up.

"No matter, his soul has been severely damaged, and he will not be able to maintain his life for long, and there are still important things to do."

Then Xiao Yu left the Wei family hall full of corpses and went directly to the depths of the Wei family mansion.

the other side.

Wei Xu flees desperately, and finally gathers the power of his soul to resist Xiao Yu's blow at the last moment, which gave him time to breathe.

But even so, Wei Xu's soul injury was fatal, and his burning soul gave his soul a sign of slowly dissipating inside.

Wei Xu's face was pale and terrifying, as if there was a breath of death in his body.

"Even if I die, I will also tell the Young Patriarch the news! Our Wei family's lives will not be sacrificed in vain!!"

Wei Xu's eyes started to appear a little gray, even if he flees away.

By this time Xiao Yu was already in the basement of Wei's house.

"It should be good inside."

The Wei family is a family of formations, whether it is a defensive formation or a touch-sensitive formation, etc., it is sufficient to deal with the family of the entire Wandering Continent.

But for the huge Wei family, the rest are some unarmed guards by the side of the family, let alone defense, Xiao Yu is almost like no one, Xiao Yu is too lazy to kill them.

And Xiao Yu is now looking for the place where the Soul Calming Tower is located.

"It can't be wrong. Although the Soul Town Tower is displayed in the center of the town, it is just a phantom. The real entity is in the Wei family." Qiong Qi said.

This Soul Resurrection Tower is too weird, because both Qiongqi and Golden Wing Roc felt a weird feeling.

Is it an ordinary thing that can make twenty or thirty people superimpose formations, and can also possess so much soul power?

The legend of this ancient city is that there is a powerful soul body under the soul-suppression tower, but there is nothing more about the soul-suppression tower.

When he walked to the entrance of the basement of Wei's house, a very gloomy breath of soul power rushed toward him.

Xiao Yu walked down cautiously. Obviously, for Xiao Yu, it was very likely that there was something unknown in the entity of the Soul Resurrection Tower.

If there is a living soul inside, isn't it in great danger?

Walking into the basement, the gloomy feeling became stronger.

Inside the basement is a passage with nine bends and eighteen bends, and the passage is still slowly extending downward and far away.

Xiao Yu actually walked slowly in the underground passage for ten minutes!

"Isn't this the place near the Soul Resurrection Tower that I saw?" Xiao Yu frowned, feeling a little surprised.

The Zhenhun Tower is the center of the town, but it is not in the Weijia, but Weijia is also not far from the town center.

"Unexpectedly, the guardian house leads to the soul-suppressing tower, so it seems that this tower of the soul-suppression tower may be the ghost of the Wei family." Xiao Yu secretly said in his heart.

The soul-suppression tower only appears at night, and disappears during the day.

In the dark night, the soul-suppressing tower can even swallow people's souls, control people's thoughts, and become a kind of living dead and have their own consciousness, but they are puppets controlled by outsiders.

This is a very scary existence.

When he came here, the gloomy aura became stronger and stronger, Xiao Yu didn't dare to be too careless, but was still cautious.

But soon, Xiao Yu was within a doorway. The inside was pitch black, but it was like a huge mouth that could swallow people.

Xiao Yu took a deep breath. Since he was here, he naturally wanted to find out. Then he stepped in.

It was still very dark inside, and even ordinary eyes could not see the surrounding scenes.

However, Xiao Yu was an array mage, an ordinary cultivator, and his consciousness was also their second pair of eyes.

When Xiao Yu saw the dark places around him clearly, he couldn't help but move.

"this is……"


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