Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3626: Threesome

The entrance examination of the five major temples is actually the consensus of the five major temples, and it can be regarded as a kind of dynamic.

The first part of the assessment is an individual's own choice. The three routes, no matter which route, seem to be dead for a lifetime.

Under the three routes in the first part, most of the people have been eliminated, and even a small part of them died.

This is the normal situation of the assessment, and even expected.

The assessment will eliminate many people, and even some people will die. This is also an obstacle on the road to cultivation.

After Xiao Yu, Yan Yue, and Lang Chi left Weijiacheng, they headed in the predetermined direction along the way.

This time, they were unimpeded, connecting the remaining hundreds of people from the five major temples, and they all concentrated towards the second part of the secret realm of assessment.

On the way, some casual cultivators on the wandering mainland saw these well-dressed children, all with a retreating attitude.

Those who were able to enter the five major temples had at least a certain degree of identity background, and the floating continent was originally a medium-lower plane continent, even less than the Tengyuan continent.

How can the casual cultivators here or the small power families dare to face the children of these families?

Maybe they were killed.

Few families like the Gan family and the Wei family dominate one side, and even dare to brazenly move the students of the five major temples.

Of course, since the five great temples chose this place, they would not have the ability to govern what the people of this continent do to the people of the five great temples.

Even to a certain extent, the senior leaders of the five major temples are still eager for the people of the floating mainland to take action, because they can help them to test these new people for free.

And having said that, even if it is not here in the Floating Continent, in any continent, the appraisal of the students of the Lower Court cannot be smooth, so after all, it is still the same.

This is a trial, a test of strength and courage.

Time soon arrived at night, and the next day, they could walk through this jungle to go to the place where the second part of the assessment was assembled.

The surrounding area is surrounded by jungles, and there are lower monsters.

However, for the lower-ranked monsters, Xiao Yu and the trio were just solving things casually. They were not afraid of encountering higher-ranked monsters.

Xiao Yu had also encountered even more powerful monster beasts, and the strength of the dragon clan was enough to suppress it.

In addition, it is not to be seen that Yanyue and Langchi are not as fast as Xiao Yu breaking the formation in the formation. That is because Xiao Yu has the sky tree branches and the superiority in soul talent.

This does not mean that they are weaker than Xiao Yu.

And here is still a floating continent, not to mention walking sideways, now there are very few threats to them.

Yanyue has an invisible noble and elegant temperament. Needless to say, Lang Chi looks like a gentleman, so the work of fighting monsters and making food fell on Xiao Yu.

After killing a lower level monster, Xiao Yu was able to bake it smoothly.

The fragrance was already overflowing at this time, and Lian Yanyue and Lang Chi looked slightly at Xiao Yu.

"It seems that you have a lot of field experience," Yanyue said.

Xiao Yu shrugged, divided a large piece of meat and handed it over, and said, "There have been too many coming out before, so I'm familiar with it."

When he was in the lower planes, Xiao Yu did not go to these demon star forests and demon beast mountains to experience.

Yanyue did not pretend, and took the barbecue.

When Xiao Yu was about to hand it to Lang Chi, suddenly, a black shadow flashed away.

"call out!"


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