Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3629: Five party camp (part 1)

But a huge plain appeared in front of them, and the plain was separated from them by a piece of colorful brilliance, as if the sun was full of a divine charm in it.

And at this time, outside of the colorful brilliance, there were some people watching the excitement, and these people were really casual cultivators from the Wandering Continent.

After seeing someone entering the colorful brilliance on the route, these people seemed a little envious and amazed, but they didn't dare to come close.

Xiao Yu, Yanyue, and Langchi also passed through this colorful brilliance without any obstacles.

In fact, this is a huge enchantment formation, and only people from the five major temples can enter it.

The only way to enter the plain is, on the other side, is a huge platform, and there are already hundreds of people waiting.

These hundreds of people are the ones who have passed the first part of the five major temples.

It can be said that these remaining people are almost all elite children in the lower yards of their respective colleges. Their strength is beyond doubt, because the leftovers, except for some lucky ones, are almost all in the Heavenly Sun, Tianfu, and even It's of Shenfu Realm.

Of course, there are no more than a few people in each college who can reach the realm of the gods.

It can be said that the Divine Palace Realm is the strongest in this assessment.

It was originally for thousands of students who were assessed, but now only one tenth is left. One can imagine the cruelty and difficulty of the first part of the assessment.

The five major temples are divided into five camps, and they are all divided into separate groups. Among them, the Cangling Academy has the least number of people, with only a few people, and less than ten people. This number is indeed too bleak.

And one of them actually occupies two-fifths of the number. These students are covered in snow-white robes.

Xiao Yu had seen this kind of robe in Fengxiang Tower. These guys belonged to Yunsheng Academy.

There are as many as thirty or forty people. It is conceivable that Yunsheng Academy is the number one existence among the five major temples, and how strong their overall talent strength and talent are.

"The goddess is here!"

"Lonchi is here too!"

The people from Zifu College and Chenyuan College were overjoyed when they saw the arrival of the three.

Obviously, Yanyue and Langchi are very popular in their respective colleges.

"Huh? Who is that guy? Why are you with the goddess?"

"Lonchi is with the goddess. What academy does this guy belong to?"

These people from Zifu Academy frowned.

Langchi’s fame is very loud, and the natural style is familiar with the **** pattern. When choosing the college, even the high-level elders of Yunsheng College and Lingtian College wanted to dig him, but in the end Langchi chose fame and Tatsugaki Academy is not very big.

This genius of Chenyuan College's lower court was cultivated as one of the future top geniuses of Chenyuan College.

Therefore, the reputation of Langchi is unknown to no one.

It can be said that Lang Chi is the first person in the lower house of Chenyuan College.

Therefore, people who can stand with Yanyue and Langchi, in their opinion, are at least the top talents in the middle school who have this qualification, and they seem to have never seen this person.

Instead, it was Cangling Academy, headed by a black-robed young man, who was surprisingly Sima Kou, next to Sima Kou was Ju Wenfu, and then Li Haoguang, Gu Hong, and Lu Xiao.

"He was with them?"


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