Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3642: Opening of the Deity Enchantment (Part 1)

Gu Xichun bowed neither humble nor humble, and said, "Exactly."

"Yes, it's been a long time since I saw the awakening of Zipin Shenfu." The middle-aged calligraphy nodded slightly.

Gu Xichun smiled, with his hands on his back, a faint air of pride filled his body.

But the words called the middle-aged flower shocked almost everyone present, even the students of Yunsheng Academy.

"It turns out that the rumors in the academy are true! Brother Gu's divine residence is really a purple product!"

"Oh my God! He is already in the psychic realm, or the Purple Grade Divine Palace. Isn't it that few people at the same level are his opponents?"

The other students took a breath.

The foundation of Shenfu's rank was already laid when it broke through from Tianfu to Shenfu.

Zi Pin Shenfu is already known as tens of millions, and even one in hundreds of millions of people.

The higher the rank of the divine palace, the greater the capacity within the divine palace, and the more profound the power that is refined.

Not only that, the Shenfu Realm is to prepare for the birth of the fetus in the future.

The stronger the divine palace, the stronger the fetal element conceived.

Therefore, the rank of God's Palace is an extreme test of a person's genius.

Of course, the Chipin Divine Mansion is the lowest rank, but it is also almost everyone's rank.

And the talent that can reach the Qing Dynasty God's Mansion can already be said to be the best among thousands of people.

Just like Yanyue, Langchi, Tong Lixing, and Simakou, the rank of Shenfu has also reached the green rank.

One can imagine how rare the rank of Gu Xichun's Purple Grade God House is.

Of course, Gu Xichun's talent has always been rumored by the five colleges, and his background is also very strong.

Not far away, Xiao Yu couldn't help but glanced at Gu Xichun more.

He himself is a Jin Pin Divine Mansion, of course, such things cannot be told casually.

It's just that he looked at the psychic realm of Gu Xichun, or the genius of the Purple Grade God's Palace, by another three points.

People came for gods, maybe these personal grievances, or some so-called competition, he simply looks down on him.

In other words, when he reached his level, he basically just pursued a higher level, and everything else could be ignored.

Of course, if they knew Xiao Yu's divine palace rank, they would probably have their entire jaw dropped.

At this moment, the gaze of the middle-aged man could not help but glance at the remaining 100 examiners.

Although it was swept lightly, the look in his eyes caught a breath that made him feel weird.

His eyes fell on two of the young people in Yunsheng Academy.

But after a while, he didn't feel any other strange aura from these two people, even if Xuan retracted his eyes.

At this moment, there seemed to be some roaring sound between the heaven and the earth, and the whole sky began to change.

"Well, the secret realm barrier is about to begin. Let me open it together."

The middle-aged beggar finally started to get serious, standing and floating in the air.

Immediately afterwards, everyone saw that with the middle-aged beggar as the center, the figure of the other five elders surrounded him and began to impose a formation.

Vaguely, a huge vortex appeared in the sky, and the vortex began to pour down a huge light curtain.

"The entrance exam for the five major temples has officially started, and you can enter it."


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