Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3662: It's the middle stage of Shenfu Realm again!

Outside the barrier.

The tall young people who smashed the space jade slips and the young men with thick eyebrows were sent out. These were the first people from the Cangling Academy to smash the space jade slips. Even the people in the lower court did not come out as quickly as the two of them.

And these two people came out of Lingtian Academy after the two upper houses.

This can't help making everyone present a little surprised.

It didn't take long for the secret realm to open, but four people from the upper house had already come out first!

This is really incredible!

According to the truth, in terms of strength, realm, and combat experience, if you want to come out, it is the students of the lower house!

"Grow old." After the tall youth and the thick-browed youth came out, their faces were pale, as if they were a little ashamed.

The old man didn't blame them, but they frowned when they saw that there were some sword marks on their bodies, but they shook their heads slightly and said, "It seems that you have really met your opponent."

The growing old didn't ask who did it like Guan Hong, because the former knew that since it was an assessment, he would definitely encounter some dangers or some talented children.

If you are eliminated, you will be eliminated, and there is no need for accountability afterwards.

Guan Hong sneered, but he didn't mean to fall into trouble, but the disdain in his eyes was particularly strong.

Cangling Academy was the weakest overall among the five academies. The upper house of Cangling Academy was eliminated, and that only echoed their vision of Cangling Academy.

It seems that the upper courtyard student of Lingtian Academy was eliminated first, and now seeing the Cangling Academy come out, Guan Hong's mentality is balanced.

And the young man with thick eyebrows seemed to gritted his teeth indignantly: "Damn it, this kid again! Almost died in his hands! I don't let anyone let it go!"

The growing old man moved in his heart and asked: "What do you say about yourself?"

The elders of the other academies seemed to have heard it too, and cast their gazes at the same time.

"Who else but that kid! He almost killed us! Now that Ding Qi is inside, I don't know how it was with him on the battlefield." The tall young man said solemnly.

Old Chang Cheng asked: "Who are you talking about, Xiao Yu beat you like this?"

"It's him!" The thick eyebrow youth gritted his teeth.

Of course they didn't know who Xiao Yu was, but they didn't know how. The voice fell in Guan Hong's ears, but it seemed to have a familiar smell.

The strongest in Cangling Academy this year is Sima Kou, and then Ju Wenfu, Li Haoguang, Gu Hong, they all know these people.

In Guan Hong's view, the people in the two upper courts of Cangling Academy seemed to be very jealous of that person and complained a lot. Judging from the information he received, they seemed to be incompatible with the identities of Sima Kou!

But the next sentence of the tall young man made Guan Hong's face sink.

The tall young man clenched his fists, gritted his teeth and said: "None of us expected that the kid would have reached the middle stage of the Divine Palace Realm!"

Growing old eyes flashed a little, he seemed to think of who they were talking about.

And then, the growing old seemed to have thought of something again, looking at Guan Hong of Lingtian College, Guan Hong's expression was gloomy and terrifying.

The other elders also seemed to be a little surprised.

"The two people who were beaten out of Lingtian Academy also said that they had encountered a mid-stage divine palace..."


"call out!"

Xiao Yu turned into a golden light and walked away. With the aid of the flying ability of the golden winged roc and his keen six senses, Xiao Yu followed the trail and quickly found the black four feet before. Monster.

"Since you have good luck, I can't run away for you!"

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