Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3665: Four-story Buddha Tower!

But it was seen that the dark scale fruit in Xiao Yu's hand suddenly turned into a burst of purple-black energy, which immediately disappeared into his mind.

To be precise, it was submerged in the Buddha Tower!

Yes, the dark scale fruit is absorbed by the Buddha!

This surprised Xiao Yu greatly.

The Buddha Pagoda has always been dominated by him, and from the first level of materialization, Xiao Yu has learned step by step.

Unexpectedly, after encountering Darkscale Fruit, he started to take the initiative.

I saw that there were some deep lines condensed on the three layers of the Buddha Tower, which seemed to be filled with a kind of luster.

And the purple-black energy that the dark scale fruit turned into, after being submerged in the Buddha Tower, immediately began to condense the fourth layer!

The fourth layer is beginning to materialize! !

Xiao Yu was shocked instantly.

What you need to know is how much time it took Xiao Yu from the sect world to the Cangling Academy to condense the Buddha Tower to the third floor!

But after absorbing the dark scale fruit, it started to condense the fourth layer.

The fourth layer slowly began to materialize, and finally became materialized!

Four-story Buddha Tower!


Suddenly, there was purple black energy swept out of Xiao Yu, and that kind of darkness and destruction enveloped a kilometer range.

Xiao Yu's thoughts moved, and within a short time, the power of the Buddha erupted from the Pagoda Tower. After a while, Xiao Yu began to condense a hundred-meter-large deep river purple black armor general posture.

Purple-black armor, handguards, wrist guards, leg guards, knee pads, boots, and mighty armor, standing between the heavens and the earth, as if the gods descended to the earth.

The power of the purple-black Buddha turned into a substantive energy and was burning, and it seemed to be plunged into a world of destruction within a kilometer range.

"call out!"

"what is that!?"

Suddenly three or two people passed by, and they saw a huge figure as large as a hundred meters in the distance, and the whole body was exuding purple-black luster like a god.

"What a horrible breath!"

"My God, what kind of spirituality is this? Or what kind of power?"

These examiners were immediately taken aback.

Xiao Yu prepared the purple-black figure to be enveloped, and he clenched his fist, and at the same time the purple-black mighty body followed Xiao Yu's movements.

"call out!"

Then, Xiao Yu's entire figure disappeared, completely immersed in the hundred-meter armored figure of the martial arts.

Suddenly, two rays of light flashed under the helmet, and a pair of human shadows appeared in the empty eye sockets.

Those eyes are also purple and black, but like an abyss, they also contain a kind of spirituality in them!

"Fantasy Magic Armor!"

Xiao Yu felt that he was completely integrated into this so-called phantasmagoria armor, and was completely integrated!

"call out!"

As soon as Xiao Yu moved, he immediately moved out, and then shot out with a punch.


The deafening sound hit the space, countless spatial ripples shook out, and then the invisible fluctuation of the punch shook hundreds of meters away.

"What a powerful Phantasm! It's simply the power that I used to mobilize the third floor several times before!"

Xiao Yu was pleasantly surprised. He spurred such offensives like boxing gloves and armguards on the third floor of the Buddha Tower, but it was a completely different level from the integration of his soul and body into this butcher's fantasy armor!

Moreover, with such a huge body, the speed and strength were not hindered at all.

From a distance, Xiao Yu looked like a translucent purple-black phantom in armor.

But at this moment, Xiao Yu suddenly felt that his 100-meter-large phantom armor suddenly floated.


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