Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3673: Everyone has a share

Tong Lixing moved lightly: "They are not stupid, they are just confused by the immediate benefits. And we are not framed them, we just get what we need."

"Hehe, with them, we can save a lot of strength, as long as we stabilize the formation." Another person echoed.

Tong Lixing nodded and said: "But I still can't be careless. I always feel that under this quagmire it is not that simple. It is not that simple to get the things that just appeared. I will listen to my orders later."

Soon, Tong Lixing led four people, and a full twenty people joined their camp. On the way, a dozen or twenty people came one after another.

At this moment, Tong Lixing's team actually had about thirty people, and the remaining ten people hesitated on the shore, among them was Xiao Yu's figure.

Among these thirty people, there are also several from the upper house of the five major temples. In short, as long as they join their ranks, Tong Lixing welcomes them, whether they are from the upper house or the lower house.

With Tong Lixing's talent and strength, it is destined to shine in Lingtian Academy, and even in the five major temples, so their joint action is also very good, everyone is here for the same purpose.

And in the middle of the journey, a lot of bubbles were spit out in the mud, and at least five strangely-shaped treasures were exposed one after another, which made these people even more impatient.

Only when Tong Lixing flipped his hands, he threw a scroll.

This is a scroll of formation method, the scroll burst open, and immediately turned into an aperture, covering these thirty people.

Tong Lixing headed by four people and set off toward the front.

All of the thirty-odd people became solemn and eager to try. The aura was so powerful that the dozens of people on the shore were a little moved.

When they stepped into the mud, they didn't fall into it because of the protection of the defensive mask.

However, as before, as long as you touch the mud, the mud will automatically turn into the claws of teeth and claws to drag them under the water.

It didn't take long for the sludge to climb up, trying to swallow the mask.


A person behind Tong Lixing shouted, and the person in front of him started to attack.

On the other side of them, not far away, bubbles were rising.

Someone's eyes lit up, but the bubble was outside their formation, and Tong Lixing's two-handed seal changed. This mask formation suddenly spread out a channel, and immediately enveloped the bubble.

"You, go and accept it!" The person from Lingtian College just ordered one person.

The man was ecstatic, and he just skimmed over, the bubbles burst, and a black long knife appeared.

"Mid-grade Lingbao!"

The person wanted to put it away, but thinking of the scene just now, he couldn't help but glance at the person from Lingtian College.

"You put it away by yourself." The guy from Ling Tian College waved his hand, not paying attention.

That person was only the fifth level of the Tianfu Realm, and he received a good middle-grade spirit treasure, which immediately caused other people to covet.

"As long as you listen to the instructions, everyone has a share!" the man from Lingtian College shouted.

At this moment, the eyes of those people became more excited, and they also attacked the entangled mud harder.

"Boom boom boom!"

Countless attacks vibrated, and immediately above the mud, there was a multi-colored brilliance.

In more than ten minutes, several people have received some treasures of good fortune, elixir, and the like, and the ten people on the shore have regretted it and regretted not joining them.

But Xiao Yu's eyes fell under the mud.

"Below, there seems to be something..."


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