Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3692: Mine flower

I saw a beam of light in front of him directly rose into the sky.

Xiao Yu visually observed that there was a distance of tens of miles from the beam of light, but even the distance of tens of miles made Xiao Yu feel that the beam of light covered a large area!

At the same time, a sacred breath was swept over.

Although far away, Xiao Yu still felt the powerful and shocking aura.

"Could it be that there is the core of this divine secret realm?" Xiao Yu asked secretly in his heart.

The Golden Wing Roc said: "Since this divine secret realm is said to be the space opened up by the mighty person before becoming a god, then there may be a place containing good fortune."

Xiao Yu couldn't help but move.

The so-called connotation of good fortune, that is the good fortune of becoming a god!

Countless people are making unremitting efforts to promote the gods, even if there is a little bit of good fortune to become a god, it will make people rush like moths to the fire.

Just like the five great temples.

People who come here all have a fancy that there are gods in the five great temples, and the purpose is to spy on the opportunities for godhood, so that they can make their way to godhood more smoothly in the future.


Xiao Yu seemed to be a little impatient and headed towards the center.

Like Xiao Yu, many people already headed towards the center on the road.

Of course, with the passage of more than a week, there were only hundreds of people left, and now there are only a little more than half of the people left in the lower house.

In this huge secret realm of gods, it is relatively difficult to meet a person.

When Xiao Yu swept forward, he suddenly sensed a very violent fluctuation in a certain direction.

This violent fluctuation directly caused the vibration of the purple unicorn bone on Xiao Yu's arm.


Xiao Yu stopped, looking far away in a certain direction.

"Thunder attribute power?"

The purple unicorn was Thor's mount back then, and it was aroused the power of thunder attribute twice in the thunder pond.

Therefore, Xiao Yu had a unique feeling for this power.

"Let's take a look."

Although there are dangers everywhere in the secret realm of gods, they are also full of good fortune.

After a while, Xiao Yu came to the edge of a lake. Strangely, a plant grew out of the middle of the lake.

The whole body of this plant is purple, and there is a purple flower blooming on it, which looks very strange.

"Thunder attribute flower?"

Xiao Yu was a little surprised. How could this flower grow in the middle of the lake?

However, a name immediately appeared in Xiao Yu's mind——

"Water Thunder Flower!"

This is a kind of refining "Earth Spirit Pill" elixir!

In the higher planes, spirit pills are very rare, because only alchemists can refine them.

In the lower house, unless it is a member of a large family, it is impossible to have a pill.

Even if you have a spirit pill, it is only the rank of a human spirit pill.

At the time of the low plane, Xiao Yu knew that the spirit pills had different ranks, and the higher planes had another rank.

The lowest is the human spirit pill, then the earth spirit pill, the sky spirit pill, and the **** spirit pill!

The spirit pill is divided by lines.

There are a total of nine patterns of each kind of pill.

As the name suggests, human spirit pills are naturally made by human spirit alchemists.

The human spirit pill is only suitable for practitioners in the Condensation Wheel Realm and the Heavenly Sun Realm.

In the same way, only the earth spirit alchemist can refine the earth spirit pill.

The mine flower is even an elixir that can refine top-level earth spirit pills!

In other words, even the strong in the psychic realm has a great demand for mine flowers!

At this moment, a breaking wind sounded, and another white figure appeared on the other side of the lake.

This figure has a handsome face, a handsome posture, and a calm and indifferent color written on his face, but it is obviously also attracted by the many purple flowers.

It's him!

Gu Xichun!


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