Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3694: Xiao Yuzhan Gu Xichun

Since his birth, Gu Xichun has been hailed as a person who has the opportunity to become a top powerhouse.

His talent can be ranked in the top five in the upper courtyard of Yunsheng Academy.

Even though he was in the lower court of Yunsheng Academy, some elders had already arranged for himself to enter the upper court in advance.

For Gu Xichun, the deity secret realm fortune this time is almost like walking into his own back garden.

Gu Xichun quickly recovered her calmness and smiled: "In this wreck secret realm, you are the first person who dares to laugh at me. Do you know what those people are?"

"But I won't be as knowledgeable as you. I can kill you at any time. But if you block my way, I will end your assessment."

What Gu Xichun said was light and windy, but in his words, there was nothing but a kind of contempt and indifference towards Xiao Yu.

"is it?"

"But I just need this mine flower!"

"call out!"

As soon as the voice fell, the Jinshi flash technique suddenly urged, and Xiao Yu turned into a golden stream of light and flashed up.

The lake is hundreds of meters away from the center of the lake. For them, this distance is only a few seconds.

Xiao Yu said that when it broke out, the speed was too fast, even Gu Xichun was slightly surprised.

Gu Xichun frowned at first, but soon turned into an icy complexion, rushed out in one step, and the whole person turned into a streamer to chase after.

The light on Gu Xichun's body was sky blue, with a color similar to lake water.

And not long after he got out, suddenly saw Gu Xichun's figure turned into a surging water!

"God pattern!"

Under the golden light, Xiao Yu's heart moved slightly.

People outside rumored that Gu Xichun was the awakener of Shenwen, but they didn't expect it to be true!

"That's it! He is a **** mark of water attribute!"

But how can Xiao Yu's metal body technique secret technique be ordinary?

That is the secret technique that contains the power of space!

Seeing that Xiao Yu was less than a hundred meters away from the mine flower!

Gu Xichun's heart sank slightly, but he didn't expect this kind of metallicity and spatial power to be so strange!

When he was outside, Gu Xichun had also seen the strangeness of Xiao Yu's body.

I just didn't expect that after I personally learned it, it would be so powerful.

Gu Xichun later chased him down, but under this circumstance, he could only reach the place of the mine flower in the same time as Xiao Yu.


Gu Xichun's eyes dazzled, and the flowing water he had turned into suddenly changed its direction, and then rushed towards Xiao Yu.

Xiao Yu's eyes narrowed, Gu Xichun was fast, but he used a metallic body technique, and he was one step ahead of Gu Xichun.

Gu Xichun is higher than his own strength level. Under such circumstances, the two are tied at best, and the initiative still has not been in Xiao Yu's hands.

Feeling Gu Xichun's impact, Xiao Yu hit it out with a punch.


Countless currents dispersed, the golden light and the sky blue light suddenly separated, and water sprays tens of meters high were exploded in the lake. The two immediately separated, a dozen meters apart.

Gu Xichun still looked at Xiao Yu without changing his face, and said, "You really are qualified to fight Tong Lixing. It seems that I still underestimate you."

"Really? Did you decide to give up this mine flower?" Xiao Yu teased.

I don't know why, this Gu Xichun's posture in front of him is too high, that kind of lofty and contemptuous posture made Xiao Yu's fighting spirit rise.

Plus, this person is still the awakener of the **** pattern!

"It is impossible to give up. It is you who should give up, otherwise you will only end up with death next time." Gu Xichun said calmly, but the kind of killing and decisiveness in the words was extremely decisive.

"What if I want it?" Xiao Yu stared at Gu Xichun.

"Then you go to die."


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