Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3707: Finally meet (part one)

One day later.

There was still thunder light under the water.

At this time Xiao Yu was still surrounded by water entangling technique, but the difference was that the mine flower in front of him changed from purple to water blue.

The mine flower has completely turned into a "splash" with only water attribute energy.

Looking at Xiao Yu again, his entire arm was filled with countless lightning, and even his body was entangled by lightning.

Under the entire river bottom, at least a kilometer range contained this amazing lightning, as if it had become a thunder river.

At this moment, Xiao Yu suddenly opened his eyes.


It seemed from countless lightning explosions that within 800 meters, the bottom of the river had completely turned into a short-lived spatial state!

Countless rivers all swelled out, was shaken out as high as a hundred meters, and then fell down immediately, as if it had rained heavily.

Xiao Yu stood under the river bottom with thunder light shining all over his body. With a grip of his hand, the power of endless thunder and lightning, as well as the terrifying domineering and wild power contained in the purple unicorn, shook simultaneously.

Xiao Yu's right arm was one round larger than his left arm.

"The power of thunder and lightning last time just made the purple unicorn wake up, but this time, it gave me this kind of purple unicorn arm!"

"If I meet Tong Lixing again, after three rounds, I can kill him!" Xiao Yu's eyes flashed with thunder.

This is the confidence that power gives a person.

At this moment, Xiao Yu's eyes drenched.

"It seems that this guy still doesn't have a snack."

With a thought, Xiao Yu collected the water thunder flower, and his figure was directly beyond the bottom of the river.

At this moment, there was a handsome figure standing on the shore, it turned out to be Gu Xichun.

When Gu Xichun saw Xiao Yu, there was a sharp contrast between his face and the rolling river beside him.

But at this moment, he was already a little unstable.

Only two days have passed, but Xiao Yu has a thick breath.

Recalling that Xiao Yu came up from under the river bottom, his heart sank suddenly, he couldn't make a flower after absorbing the mine! ?

But how is this possible?

Mine, this kind of elixir that can refine top-grade spirit pills, how can it be completely absorbed within a week or two if it is swallowed like this?

And how did Gu Xichun know that the energy of the mine flower is huge, but compared to the peak power of the purple unicorn bone on Xiao Yu's arm, it seems a little bit of a waste.

Moreover, Gu Xichun didn't know that Xiao Yu simply absorbed the energy of the thunder attribute, and kept the part of the water attribute for himself.

I don't know what happened. When I saw Xiao Yu again, the expression in the other person's eyes looked more calm.

That kind of feeling, like a person who was originally familiar with suddenly was covered with a layer of translucent screens, although it would not make himself blurred, but the feeling of unknown danger became stronger.

"Boy, we meet again."

The water entangling technique on Xiao Yu's body had disappeared, and there was no drop of water on his body.

"Gu Xichun, I thought you were a person who understands the overall situation, but I didn't expect your eyes to be like a rat ant." Xiao Yu shook his head.

"Really?" Gu Xichun was so angry that she raised her head slightly.

Just when Gu Xichun's words fell, Xiao Yu's Tianmu branches suddenly experienced a strange wave.

At the same time, Qiongqi also exclaimed.

"how is this possible……"


At this moment, the space next to Gu Xichun began to fluctuate slightly, and immediately there were two more figures!

"It turned out to be them!!" Qiongqi exclaimed.

"Planar hunter!!"

Xiao Yu's eyes suddenly burst into endless murderous intent! !


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