Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3709: Three people besieged

Of course, for Qiu Guang and Peng Xiu, they didn't know if Xiao Yu was a member of the Shura family.

After all, Xiao Yu did not show any power aura related to the Shura family.

It's just that they are interested in Xiao Yu's kind of talent and strength, as well as the various powerful cultivations they possess, or in other words, they are interested in Xiao Yu's baby.

In their opinion, such a person must have such a strong talent and strength, and after being captured, it must be of great use.

Of course Xiao Yu knew what his current situation was like. His eyes were solemn, while Qiongqi exhorted: "They shouldn't be sure if you are from the Shura family, so you can't reveal your strength!"

Xiao Yu nodded secretly. He knew more about this than Qiongqi.

It's just that the plane hunters actually found this secret space and knew that they were the academy of the Cangling Academy. One can imagine how thorough their news is.

And Xiao Yu only thought of exposing himself in one place, that is the mainland of Tengzhou.

Of course, all this is not important anymore. Now the key is how to escape from the hands of these three people.

"In my opinion, escape is the best policy. This is not far from the core area. Now if you hit the three of them, you will only suffer." Golden Wing Dapeng said solemnly.

But at this moment, Qiu Guang and Pengxiu didn't give Xiao Yu a chance at all. They were immediately on their own and surrounded Xiao Yu with a horn.

The two had seen Xiao Yu's battle in the battle just now, and they all knew that Xiao Yu could even compete with Gu Xichun.

Their strength under this rule was greatly restricted. Although three people, they were still afraid that Xiao Yu would escape.

Don't look at Xiao Yu now, it's because Xiao Yu didn't have any defense.

But after letting the tiger go back to the mountain, they believe it will be even more difficult for them to have such an opportunity.

The three gathered around, Xiao Yu knew that he couldn't escape, that is to say, this battle was inevitable.

Since it cannot be avoided, let's fight!

"It just happens to give me the purple unicorn arm practice."

When it was said that it was too late, then it was fast, and there was a loud bang, and a purple light from Xiao Yu's body rose to the sky.

"The power of monsters!?" Gu Xichun frowned again.

Xiao Yu had already used the power of the five-clawed golden dragon just now.

But now this purple power is still the power of monsters!

And the power aura of this monster beast is not weaker than before!

It's even worse!

But Peng Xiu and Qiu Guang stared at each other.

"Boy, there are so many secrets in your body! You actually possess the power of two ancient divine beasts." Qiu Guang's eyes flashed brightly.

He had never seen Ziqilin, because it was already a legend.

But he had encountered those sacred beasts in the sky list, and the aura that radiated from Xiao Yu's body was that of a sacred beast!


Peng Xiu's eyes dazzled, and they didn't know what happened. From Xiao Yu's body, they actually felt an extreme danger.

Xiao Yu is really too mysterious. In any case, they can't imagine how a person has so much powerful power.

Peng Xiu yelled, Qiu Guang and Gu Xichun were already ready, and the three of them simultaneously rushed towards Xiao Yu.

The power of Peng Xiu and Qiu Guang is slightly worse than that of Gu Xichun, probably at the peak of the late Shenfu realm, but they are much deeper than Tong Lixing's late Shenfu realm peak.

Xiao Yu certainly wouldn't rush towards Gu Xichun, he was the first to rush towards Qiu Guang, and Ziguang's fist suddenly blasted up.


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