Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3719: Enchantment Rift

Somewhere under the cliff.

Sitting cross-legged, Xiao Yu slowly opened his eyes.

In one day, his injuries had been fully recovered, and even the gods in his body began to become full.

"call out!"

Yanyue and Langchi swept over.

The three of them teamed up during this trip. Naturally, they had to do a good fight. Xiao Yu was a very important figure, so they waited for Xiao Yu one day.

"I didn't expect that the life force in your body was so strong." Lang Chi glanced at Xiao Yu, slightly surprised.

Yanyue had acted with Xiao Yu before, so she knew that Xiao Yu's body seemed to have an endless stream of life energy healing him. This ability was very strange.

Xiao Yu shrugged and said: "Some adventures."

Yanyue glanced at Xiao Yu again, adding so many adventures together, it would not be an adventure.

"They can't find it, right?" Xiao Yu asked, a cold light flashing in his eyes.

"Well, here is my secret technique, no matter how strong they are, they can't find it here." Yanyue said.

Lang Chi looked at Yanyue and said, "Is it your family's concealment method?"

Yanyue nodded, but didn't say much.

But speaking of it, Yanyue's identity is the most elusive for Xiao Yu besides the geniuses like Gu Xichun, Lang Chi, Tong Lixing, and even Sima Kou.

Although Yanyue was a genius in the lower courtyard of Zifu Academy, the kind of foundation and aura on his body seemed to come from a very powerful family.

Because only those big families can cultivate such a child with such a subtle temperament and strength talent.

That kind of feeling can't be felt even in Gu Xichun's body.

But just as everyone has their own secrets, Xiao Yu himself has many secrets, and he didn't tell them all.

As long as there is no harm to both parties, then everyone knows it well and there is no need to say it.

"By the way, you should go out to find out the news? What is going on outside now?" Xiao Yu asked.

On this day, I was recovering from cultivation, but Yanyue and Langchi had been out for a day, and they must have gone to find out the news.

"We are only about fifty miles away from the core area, which can be reached in half an hour. Most of the lower house has been eliminated." Langchi said.

Yanyue continued: "But in the periphery of the core area, there are four rifts in the north, south, east and west of the enchantment. Only through these four rifts can you enter."

"These four gaps are already guarded by the upper houses of the five major temples, because these students in the upper houses cannot enter the core area."

Xiao Yu nodded. After all, this was the entrance exam for the lower courts of the five great temples, and the upper court was only to stop them.

This is also forcing the people in the upper house to spare no effort to attack when they see them, because this is a kind of jealous element in it!

Of course, there will definitely be water release during the period.

Xiao Yu moved in his heart and asked, "Four entrances, five colleges, how do you distribute them?"

"Each entrance is guarded by at least one of the upper yard of the college, and there are two colleges guarding one entrance," Lang Chi said.

Xiao Yu smiled and said: "In this way, it must be luck! If you encounter someone who has two colleges at the entrance, it will be really bad luck."

Lang Chi nodded and said, "Yes, everyone's chances are the same."

Xiao Yu seemed to think of something, and said, "In this way, would someone from his academy meet someone from his own academy guarding it?"

If this is the case, then you can just "release the water"!


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