Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3721: Repel a wave

The rhetorical question in Xiao Yu's words caused a slight change in the expressions of the three people in Yunsheng Academy.

The person on the right sneered and said: "Don't be slanderous, you can escape from Gu Xichun's hand even in the late stage of the Divine Palace Realm?"

The pale-faced young man sneered: "Boy, you should pay attention to occasions when you speak big words, and report your name and academy. I would like to see how holy to go out without eyes."

"When I defeat you, I will naturally tell you, do it!"

When it was said that it was too late, Xiao Yu yelled, and Yanyue and Langchi, who had already been prepared, immediately passed by.

Three people, exactly one for each.

"call out!"

Xiao Yu jumped toward the middle first.

The pale youth smiled angrily, not knowing how high the sky is!

Among the three, Yanyue and Langchi were the peaks of the late Shenfu realm, and Xiao Yu was the late Shenfu realm.

And the three of them, their strength is the highest, this kid actually took the lead and rushed over to himself, what is this not looking for death?

The pale-faced young man was also furious, and he just smashed and killed him.

The earth-level spiritual technique was immediately used, and the space was shaken by its pulling force.

Although only the peak of the late Shenfu realm, his aura contains the psychic realm in it.

Xiao Yu's arm shook, the purple thunder light flashed, one of his arms suddenly moved out, and a wild and domineering force went straight to Huanglong.

This extremely extraordinary aura was mixed with Xiao Yu's fighting intention these days.

This Yunsheng Academy underestimated people because of what they were, the top ranked academy in the five major temples, especially that Gu Xichun, who even joined the plane hunter, wanted to kill himself, which made Xiao Yu extremely angry.

"So strong!" The pale middle-aged man looked moved.

They were all peaks in the late stage of the Divine Palace Realm, but the feeling Xiao Yu gave him was really shocking.

He is a psychic realm, but he has a feeling that even if he is at his peak strength, it may take a certain amount of experience to defeat this person.


Xiao Yu moved one arm around, and the palm of the pale youth didn't hold on for a moment at all, and burst away on the spot.

Ziguang's arms stretched straight in, and the pale youth's complexion changed drastically.

"Don't think about it!"

His palms shook out abruptly, imagining a large ray of light, forming a huge defense of 100 meters in front of him.

"Break it for me!"

Xiao Yu shouted, and the power of the purple unicorn spurred out again. With the shock of the terrifying thunder, the defensive offensive of the pale youth was broken instantly.


Xiao Yu's fist hit Huanglong and fell on the chest of the pale youth.

The pale youth suddenly shot upside down.

On the other side, with two "booms", Yanyue and Langchi also solved their respective opponents with a thunderous force.

The three of them were seriously injured on the spot, and Xiao Yu, Yanyue and Lang Chi looked at them indifferently.

"Do you want me to do things that are arrogant?" Xiao Yu stared at the pale youth indifferently.

The three of the latter's faces were livid, this time they really agreed!

Xiao Yu flipped his palm, and a burst of thunder flashed out. The three Yunsheng Academy's faces were pale, and they gritted their teeth and crushed the teleported jade slips.

"I have to force me to shoot." Xiao Yu put away his momentum.

At this moment, Xiao Yu and the others were about to head towards the core area ahead, but a calm voice suddenly sounded——

"This time in the lower house assessment, it seems that many good seedlings have emerged!"


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