Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3726: The spirit of the mind and spirit!

Xiao Yu yelled again in his heart, and at the same time, the Buddha Tower in his mind suddenly showed four levels of substance.

His eyes turned into a purple black, and a breath of darkness and destruction swept out.


The purple-black light suddenly soared into the sky, and suddenly, the purple-black figure immediately turned into a purple-black mighty figure wearing armor.

At the same time, this huge purple-black shadow that was 100 meters long began to burn, and the countless purple power seemed to materialize.

The god-like mighty body suddenly opened his eyes, and these eyes turned out to be like the vast starry sky. If you look closely, you can find that these eyes are those of Xiao Yu!

At this time Xiao Yu had disappeared, and was completely integrated into the phantom armor of the Buddha!

The fantasy armor of the Buddha, as if it is materialized, is simply the shadow of a living general with perseverance in the world.

Seeing this scene, the audience couldn't help being moved.

"What kind of secret is this?"

"What a terrible power of destruction..."

But Yanyue was silent in her silver eyes.

"The power of darkness?"

Within a kilometer radius, everyone was enveloped in an atmosphere of destruction.

This purple-black armored figure turned out to be Xiao Yu's. If it hadn't been for this scene, it would have been impossible to believe it.

And when it was too late, then it was fast, the cyan figure that was like a giant spirit **** holding a big knife suddenly chopped down.

"No matter what kind of monster you are, I will kill you!!" The cyan giant spirit **** was naturally not transformed by Dai Tianchen.

But Dai Tianchen obviously also sensed the dangerous aura on Xiao Yu's body. The blue light flashed, illuminating half of the space, as if to fight against the purple-black materialized halo on the Buddha's magic armor.


At this time, the fantasy armor of the Buddha was transformed by Xiao Yu. Xiao Yu folded his hands above his head, and it turned out that this was the attack of the big sword that could slash the earth!


Dai Tianchen's expression changed, and he was actually followed!

Two huge armored shadows over a hundred meters stalemate in the sky, and the people below are as small as ants.

This scene has already caused them to stop the battle in their hands, because within a kilometer of a radius, they are already enveloped by this terrifying aura of destruction, which makes them impossible to start.

"It actually blocked Dai Tianchen's mountain spirit sword!" Wan Du was moved.

"Senior Brother Wan, what is this Wan Ling Sword?" a person from Ling Tian College asked.

Ding Qi took a deep breath and said, "This mountain spirit knife contains a **** from the ancient times, but this **** is fallen, leaving only a little thought in it, so the mountain spirit knife is name."

"No wonder! This is the spirit!!" The few people in Lingtian College exclaimed.

This is the spirit of the gods!

No wonder it can condense such a terrifying momentum.

Although there is only a little consciousness, the momentum is enough to move people.

"When Dai Tianchen first entered the upper court, I played against him during the exchanges of the five great temples. At that time, the mountain spirit sword was his sword. After so many years, he has already had a stronger spirit treasure. Under the law, he won't take it out either." Wan Du said solemnly.

"That's true, the power of the Mountain Spirit Blade was evaluated by the elders at that time as comparable to the rank of a demigod soldier."

In other words, Dai Tianchen has already used the strongest power that can be used under this rule.

"Break it for me!"


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