Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3756: Full speed

"Point the dragon!"

Xiao Yu yelled violently and pointed the dragon's finger to drive straight in. He immediately opened up a path for a hundred meters on the way, and his figure was immediately bullying.

The seven people have persisted for an hour, and they have advanced hundreds of meters on the stone bridge.

And these corpses of monster beasts are really terrifying, and what follows is endless, and the more powerful they are, the more powerful they are.

At the beginning, Xiao Yu had already felt some obstacles in killing with the power of a purple unicorn. Now that he has reached a stone bridge several hundred meters away, he feels even more difficult to move.

Although it was not enough for Xiao Yu to use all his strength, it was still huge if it was consumed like this.

At this time, Xiao Yu can be said to be the forefront. If he wants to be the first to gain good fortune among these beasts, he must use his strength to rush to the forefront.

And Gu Xichun was tens of meters behind Xiao Yu, and the others were fighting each other.


Seeing Xiao Yu advancing one hundred meters again, Gu Xichun's eyes drenched, and countless sea water surged wildly, covering a distance of hundreds of meters with the gesture of flooding Jinshan, and countless monster corpses were completely shattered by the impact.

Gu Xichun's figure stretched, and was driven forward by the sea.

When passing by Xiao Yu, Gu Xichun's eyes were indifferent.

Although Gu Xichun wanted to kill Xiao Yu, in this situation, Xiao Yu must first take a step, and then he must protect himself.

Because this is not a place to fight at all.

Gu Xichun deserves to be a genius of Tianzong, his Divine Mark of the Ninth Grade of the Earth Grade has improved a lot after this half month's improvement.

His strength had reached the early stage of the psychic realm, and in the past half month, he had reached the amazing late stage of the psychic realm!

This is talent!

When all good fortune is obtained, talent can make its strength rise to a natural position.

Even if it was Tong Lixing who had gained some good fortune in half a month, it was only in the middle of the psychic realm.

Of course, let alone Gu Xichun, even in the mid-psychic realm, he was a level stronger than Xiao Yu.

However, since entering here, what you pay attention to is not all strength. What's more, Xiao Yu's strength is more than superficial?

Although Yanyue and Langchi were not too relaxed, at least they looked similar to Gu Xichun.

They are all super geniuses in their respective colleges, especially Yanyue, who seems to have only the cultivation base of the mid-psychic realm, but with a ghost-like identity, without appearing, they must take away a piece of monster corpse.

And Langchi's **** pattern rank is not necessary at all, although it is not as high as the sea dragon, but it has reached the level of the seventh rank. The power of the wind attribute gives Lang Chi a very fast attack speed.

As for Tong Lixing, he was good at swordsmanship, and he was replaced with a more powerful lower-grade magic weapon, just like a magical aid. Every time he cuts out, the sword spirit can sweep up a dozen monster beast corpses.

Sima Kou and Ju Wenfu are also good. The families of the two were born in large families. They also showed their magical powers, and the offensive continued to blast out.

In this way, a group of people just kept moving in front of the stone bridge.

The seven people, even though they were in a team, are now testing their respective strengths. Whoever can take the lead will be one point away from this person.

In Xiao Yu's mind, the strong sense of anxiety and familiarity seemed to grow stronger.

"What the **** is there?"

And at this moment, a loud "roar" came, and the entire stone bridge shook violently again.


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