Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3770: Temple Nouchi

Just as Xiao Yu stepped in, his vision began to dim. After a while, when Xiao Yu's vision began to recover, he sent himself on a very large hall.

This is a hall where you can't see the top.

There was a light shining from the sky above the hall, making the originally gloomy hall like a giant.

This reminded them of the ruins outside, but here is a kind of indoor.

When Xiao Yu took a closer look, he finally realized that in front of him, there was a huge staircase made of black stones.

There are eight levels of this ladder, the length spans the entire hall, but the width is almost enough to stand alone.

"what is that?"

Xiao Yu suddenly raised his head, and a black statue was suspended above each step.

The statue is as large as a hundred meters, just floating like a big mountain.

Looking closer, the black statue is a guard in the shape of a human.

This guard stood upright, holding a sword in one hand, and a shield in the other, standing there with his eyes closed, like a guard standing between the heavens and the earth.

There was such a guard in the sky above each ladder, hundreds of meters away from the ladder, but even if Xiao Yu was far away from the ladder at this time, he was still shocked by the palpitating pressure.

Yanyue and the others were also on the left and right sides of Xiao Yu, all looking up at the huge guard.

The huge hall, the weird steps, and the huge eight guards all felt incredible.

And above the eight steps, that is, the sky above the ninth step, is a platform.

There is no such stone guard over the platform, it is just pitch black, like an abyss, full of a mysterious atmosphere.

"Eight steps should be the only way to get there." Lang Chi looked up and said, looking at the plane above the eighth step.

Now none of them are standing on the steps, but no one dares to take a step.

But seeing such a ladder, Xiao Yu also had a feeling of acquaintance before.

Because when I was on Yunpeng Island, the last level was also something like a ladder.

"The eight guards seem to be the same, but since there are eight steps and still lead to the top platform, there should be different degrees of oppression." Yanyue said.

Xiao Yu nodded and said, "Everything must be careful."

Since they have been made geniuses, they can certainly sense the unusualness of the eight steps.

Especially the eight guards, although their eyes are closed, but their majesty gives people a feeling of suffocation.

Gu Xichun was unmoved, and walked up first.

In the face of good fortune, everyone is careful to ensure that they do not want to lag behind others too funny.

Xiao Yu also Yanyue, Lang Chi and the three also took a step here.

The hall is very wide, hundreds of meters long, and obviously several people are scattered on purpose.

It seems that for good fortune, everyone wants to do their best to get it. After all, good fortune has only one copy!

Soon, within half a minute, everyone set foot on the first step.

Everyone was cautious, fully guarded, and did not rush to the second step immediately.

Don't look at the eight steps, it seems that there are few, if it is in the usual state, you can jump to the ninth platform in an instant, but they don't.

Because all seven of them can feel that these eight guards are definitely not decorations.

After a long while, there seems to be no movement.


Tong Lixing frowned, and Xiao Yu and others frowned. Are they too cautious?

Just when Tong Lixing was about to step on one foot toward the top of the second ladder, suddenly, a sudden movement protruded.


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