Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3772: Eight steps

As soon as this remark came out, the seven were all moved.

For a while, everyone looked at the ninth platform.

Although it was pitch black and there was no so-called ninth guard, it was clear that the good fortune in the mouth of the demon repair **** refers to the ninth platform!

Simply put, it is through these eight steps.

According to the meaning in the words of the **** of cultivating demons, every time one step forward, the oppression and impact they receive must be stronger.

If you can't resist it, then stop going to the next step, and then go to obtain the so-called good fortune in the guard.

Because these eight guards were the eight loyal guards of the demon goddess during his lifetime.

If you look at it this way, they must also have some good fortune.

But in this way, it would be tantamount to giving up the creation of gods!

Because compared with the gods' creations, these guards must not have many people willing to get involved.

Who doesn't want to get the best fortune?

Who doesn't want to become a god! ?

Everyone took a deep breath, and there was a fiery color burning in their eyes.

After a few minutes, the pace of the seven people finally began to stabilize.

The road is walked step by step, and naturally I cannot walk if I have not learned to stand firm.

If they want to step onto the second step, they must stabilize the breath and strength on the first step, because if they want to step onto the second step, they are facing a higher level of challenge.

But seeing that Gu Xichun already had a water cover formed by sea water swept up, these gray-black light curtains didn't seem to cause much damage to him, and then he stepped on.

The cyan windshield on Lang Chi's body also shrouded, and Lang Chi also stepped onto it.

Tong Lixing's Qing Ling sword hovered over his head, the blue light shrouded him, and he also stepped onto the second step.

Sima Kou and Ju Wenfu also broke out a powerful spiritual technique to resist these light curtains, taking another step.

"Be careful."

Yanyue reminded Xiao Yu that the jade ruler in her hand radiated a white light, and she was also constantly resisting the momentum of these light curtains.

Now there was Xiao Yu the last one.

The Zhenlong pile was urged again, and the blood power in Xiao Yu's body surged wildly, filling his limbs and corpses.

What Xiao Yu used was the simplest and rude, but it was also a method that was not general in effect, and that was to use his powerful physical power to counter these auras.

Xiao Yu also stepped up the second step.

Everyone can see Xiao Yu's strength, but Xiao Yu is only in the early stage of the psychic realm at best.

Gu Xichun is already in the late stage of the psychic state, Tong Lixing, and Sima Kou are also in the middle stage of the psychic state, and the unhelpful Ju Wenfu has also reached the early stage of the psychic state.

As for Yanyue and Longchi, after they emerged from the ancient tree, they were already in the mid-psychic realm.

But Xiao Yu knew that the two were definitely not as simple as they were on the surface, especially Yanyue, even more unfathomable.

Therefore, facing the oppression of this kind of momentum, of course, strength is still the mainstay, but it is also a test of a person's realm of strength.

Different levels of aura will burst out differently.

Xiao Yu's combat effectiveness is strong, but it doesn't mean that his aura must be deeper than Gu Xichun and the others.

What's more, in the previous battle, everyone had hidden a hand, but now it is different, this is the last place of good fortune!


The guard above the second step suddenly opened his eyes.


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