Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3778: Come from behind

Xiao Yu took a deep breath, his eyes flashed with astonishing light.

Under the pressure of the fourth guard, Xiao Yu once again urged a more powerful and vast dragon power.

The domineering and wild aura of the Dragon Power also condensed again, and then, Xiao Yu stepped up and took a step suddenly.

Gu Xichun's eyes dazzled, even Yanyue and Langchi moved slightly, and Tong Lixing's expression was extremely sullen.

They were all shocked by Xiao Yu's terrifying speed.

Needless to say, the length of their stay on the third step.

What you need to know is that they are on the fourth step or even the fifth step, they are more than half an hour!

But the time Xiao Yu stayed on the third and fourth steps was less than three minutes!

This difference made them feel that they really underestimated Xiao Yu.

It turned out that Xiao Yu wasn't afraid, nor was the limit on the second step, but rather accumulated accumulation!

"How is it possible, he is only in the early stage of the psychic realm!!" Tong Lixing's eyes were bloodshot.

When fighting against Xiao Yu half a month ago, Gu Xichun actually wanted to rescue him at the last moment. He was already embarrassed.

But now, Xiao Yu, who was even higher than his own level, shocked him again.

The pride that his only family background brought to him was gone.

Now all five people are on the same step!

When Xiao Yu stepped onto the fifth step, the geometrically multiplied pressure on the spot caused Xiao Yu's body to become deformed under pressure.

After all, it took Xiao Yu less than three minutes to transition from the fourth step to the fifth step.

In their opinion, Xiao Yu has not yet adapted to the pressure of the fourth step, and is still in the adaptation stage. In other words, when he was in an unstable state, he had stepped onto the fifth step, which would aggravate the pressure on Xiao Yu.

However, after a while, Xiao Yu only frowned deeply, and then stood steadily like a spear.

Although the golden light on Xiao Yu's body is constantly being consumed and washed away, the posture of Xiao Yu's tall waist is like a white poplar tree, which cannot be shaken by any wind or rain.

Lang Chi's eyes had a look of appreciation: "Sorry Xiao Yu, it seems I underestimated you."

Yanyue looked at Xiao Yu's eyes with a strange color. From the time she knew Xiao Yu, she felt that this person was extraordinary.

Time and time again, Xiao Yu's certain perseverance, even the kind of charm that she gave her invisibly, made her look at this person again.

"Xiao Yu, your hiding place is so deep! But do you think that if you can step onto the fifth step, you can be level with me?" Gu Xichun said in a deep voice.

Xiao Yu sneered: "Gu Xichun, don't talk big words so early, maybe someone will kill you."

Unconsciously, an astonishing murderous opportunity flashed in Gu Xichun's eyes.

Xiao Yu, no matter what, I will be the first to achieve it. If you dare to stop me, I will kill you!

In three minutes, Xiao Yu stepped from the second step to the fifth step, and was on the same step as everyone else. This scene had already made everyone outside burst into shock.

Although they don't know how amazing the oppression on the steps is, they can guess that the oppression on the steps must be terrifying after seeing the reactions of the previous few people.

Three minutes, even Gu Xichun couldn't do it like this!

"It's terrible! No accident, he must be a psychic realm too!"

The audience was in an uproar again.


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