Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3795: Good fortune

No one could imagine that on the last step, it was Xiao Yu and Gu Xichun who stepped up at the same time!

To some extent, doesn't it show that Xiao Yu can compete with Gu Xichun?

Even Cheng Chuan from Cangling Academy, Dai Tianchen and others were very surprised.

In their opinion, Xiao Yu used the cultivation base of the Divine Mansion Realm to participate in the entrance examination of the five great temples, but Gu Xichun, who was a month ago, was already the cultivation base of the Spirit Realm.

And now, within one month of assessment time, Xiao Yu can actually compete with Gu Xichun!

Even if it is a middle-aged man, it seems a bit unexpected.

"Haha, this kid is really not bad."

"There should be some kind of secret in him."

And Ding Qi in the crowd couldn't help but cheer for Xiao Yu.

"Good job! This kid deserves to be the one who was favored by Master Chu Feng!"

"Even Gu Xichun can't lead, it looks like it's another battle!"

And Ling Tian College, especially Guan Hong, don't mention how ugly his face is.

But now there is a problem. There must be only one good fortune, or only one person. Who can get good fortune now?

Yunsheng College immediately sneered.

"The kid who doesn't know how high the sky is! This good luck dare to **** Gu Xichun!"

"Huh! This kid must have no bones!"

Obviously, not only Yunsheng Academy, but also people in other academies are also very disinterested in Xiao Yu.

Although the dark horse is a dark horse, Gu Xichun is the core child of a genuine big family!

Far from being comparable to the talents of Sima Kou, Ju Wenfu, Tong Lixing and others.

However, with the exception of Guan Hong, who was so angry just now, the other four elders were in high positions and powerful, and they would not comment unscrupulously like ordinary students.

However, for Gu Xichun, the entire Yunsheng Academy has absolute confidence.

Guan Hong's eyes were even more murderous.

"This kid, I didn't expect the talent to be so amazing!!"

Guan Hong naturally didn't want either of the two people to get good luck, but compared to Xiao Yu, he would rather Gu Xichun get good luck.

Because if Gu Xichun is good fortune, Yunsheng Academy is still so strong, and at the same time, it can kill Xiao Yu to vent his hatred!

The attention of the public, both of them stood on the ninth stone platform.

At this time, Xiao Yu and Gu Xichun realized that when they stood on the ninth step, they seemed to have infinite width around them.

This is really incredible!

You know, the entire hall is only a few hundred meters long, but the two of them stood on it, as if standing on the endless ocean.

Of course, after the two stood up, they didn't trigger any good fortune, but a voice rang--

"It seems that good fortune belongs to one of you two, and the winner is qualified to be good fortune."

Hearing this voice, Gu Xichun stared at Xiao Yu and said, "Xiao Yu, this good fortune is destined to be mine. You can go to this day, you have reached the end, no matter what, I will kill you!"

Xiao Yu said indifferently: "You and I are all on the same step. If this is the case, how can I not compete with you for good luck?"

"Does it depend on you?" Gu Xichun smiled sensibly, and the murderous intent in his eyes became more intense.

"Yes, just rely on me."

Gu Xichun nodded slightly, took a deep breath, countless heaven and earth spiritual power was used on his Zhou body, as if it was a tsunami that was still brewing, about to erupt.

"Xiao Yu, I couldn't kill you that day. Today, either you die or I die!!"


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