Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3797: Each hole card

Obviously, Xiao Yu's fighting spirit was also ignited.

Xiao Yu's thunder fist struck again.

With a surging punch, the force of heaven and earth thunder suddenly rushed out, colliding with Gu Xichun's countless rippling fists.

The confrontation between the two was deadlocked for a while before it exploded.

However, Gu Xichun's offensive was a fist similar to a long-range style, while Xiao Yu was a complete physical force.

Under such a confrontation, Xiao Yu's figure was shaken back by several tens of meters before she could barely stabilize her figure.

Don't look at Gu Xichun as if nothing has been affected, but what you have to know is that in Gu Xichun's view, Xiao Yu should have been injured in his own blow, but he didn't!

"Gu Xichun, it seems that you still haven't made much progress during this time!" Xiao Yu said sarcastically.

Gu Xichun's face was very gloomy.

At the very beginning, I was able to gain a little bit of the upper hand, but now, facing Xiao Yu, I didn't even have the slightest tendency to oppress, how could this make him not angry?

"Since I am going to kill you today, you have no need to live, die!"

Gu Xichun yelled, and the flood dragon behind him suddenly jumped up, rising to 100 meters in the air like a dragon in the storm.

The sea water that was originally underground began to roll in the sky of the entire hall, burning the sea for nine days, like a roar.

The terrifying power of the **** pattern was urged to the extreme by Gu Xichun.

Xiao Yu looked up and looked at the water dragon floodwater. A powerful oppressive momentum was immediately suppressed.

"This guy's divine pattern is already close to the level of heaven." Qiong Qi said solemnly.

"Not surprisingly, his **** pattern can evolve, and he is not far from the sky level." Golden Wing Roc also said.

Even if Xiao Yu listened to it, he felt that Gu Xichun's talent was terrifying.

Under normal circumstances, it is very difficult for a **** pattern to evolve. Most people, if they are not stunning, are almost always fixed.

Such as Xiao Yu's Shura Divine Marks are quite special, coupled with his bloodline and life experience, Xiao Yu's Shura Divine Marks show a special sign.

Feeling the influence and momentum of the **** pattern that Gu Xichun leaped out of, Xiao Yu was also unwilling to show weakness.

When he stepped out, the purple unicorn immediately condensed and transformed into a huge shadow.

The mighty body, as well as the faint purple domineering figure, stood there as if he could fight with the world.


The purple unicorn roared, and the sound was deafening, shaking the entire wreckage enchantment plane.

Countless lightning forces surged upwards, almost strangling the ocean and the water dragon in the sky.


Gu Xichun also yelled, he gestured and waved, the countless seawater in the sky was turbulent, and the mountains were shrouded downward like a tsunami.

With such a powerful power, even Xiao Yu felt a touch of emotion when he saw it.

But Xiao Yu's eyes also flashed with some purple spirits, like the purple unicorn leaping up, filled with an angry roar, which was bound to tear nine days.

The two terrifying auras were both unfolded in the form of a monster beast mixed with energy and aura.

One is a giant python with dragon blood, and the other is a purple unicorn that used to be Thor's mount.

"Gu Xichun, let me see if it is your water dragon or my purple unicorn!!"


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