Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3805: Kill the pupa formation!

Xiao Yu directly slashed out three swords, and these three swords forced Gu Xichun to flee in embarrassment, even almost being beheaded to death.

If it weren't for his background to be strong enough to be able to evade each time the sword style fell, he would have been killed at this time.

But the more you get to the back, the more Gu Xichun feels a sense of powerlessness.

Either die or fight back in desperate situations. Gu Xichun knew that he could no longer have reservations.

Gu Xichun has been forced to this point. He Senhan laughed: "Boy, you are in the trick!"

I saw that where Xiao Yu was standing, countless water vapor suddenly condensed again, and in an instant, a cicada pupa shape once again formed and enveloped Xiao Yu.

"Da Annihilation Pupa Formation! Together!!!"

Gu Xichun let out a loud roar, and the momentum of his whole body skyrocketed again. He clasped his hands for eleven beats. Then, the huge white silkworm chrysalis surrounding Xiao Yu began to shrink rapidly.

"Gu Xichun is going to release the final killer move!" The crowd exclaimed again.

The eyes of Yunsheng Academy condensed with a look again.

Just now Gu Xichun was beaten and fled from side to side. It was really embarrassing.

This embarrassing appearance gave them an illusion, is this still the first genius of the five major temples?

This is simply a bereaved dog!

And now, they can finally wait for Gu Xichun's counterattack!

The huge white silkworm chrysalis huge array of one hundred meters was rapidly shrinking, and Xiao Yu was not allowed to resist any chance.

This is the last blow of Gu Xichun. If you don't succeed, you will become benevolent!

Being trapped again, the absorption of life inside became even more crazy, even if Xiao Yu's life force was replenished, it was slowly being consumed.

And this speed is more than several times that of the water pupa array just now.

Soon, even the light on the Seven Star Sword began to dim.

The Seven Star Sword began to buzz unwillingly, and at the same time it was trying to gleam with the original light, but it was as if it had a hand invisible and strangled the Seven Star Sword, the Seven Star Sword began to lose the sharpness it had just now.

With a move of thought, Xiao Yu retracted the unwilling Seven Star Sword.

"Gu Xichun, you are really amazing. If I guess right, your realm has reached the spiritual realm of the psychic realm." Xiao Yu seemed to give up resistance and asked softly.

"Hahaha! You really are the most elusive opponent I have ever encountered! Not bad! Only one step away, I can break through the psychic realm!"

"You are not bad. If you give me a month, you can reach my level, but unfortunately, you don't have time."

Gu Xichun had already admitted to Xiao Yu's talent, and even gave a hint of praise, but he didn't mean to stop.

Because he knew that if he didn't get rid of this person this time, he might not have this chance next time.

On the outside platform, looking at the shrinking aperture, everyone in Cangling Academy was ashamed.

This huge water chrysalis formation, even if seen through the light curtain, has an extremely powerful binding force, and it is Gu Xichun's last blow.

Seeing that the white light cocoon was shrinking and getting smaller, everyone seemed to have guessed the result.

"Sure enough, Gu Xichun is better. This good fortune is our Yunsheng Academy." The elder of Yunsheng Academy said calmly.

Cheng Chuan's face was a little pale, even a little regretful.

Some things cannot be changed by manpower, such as a person's good fortune, life and death.

In just a few seconds, the white light cocoon silkworm pupa has shrunk to the size of two meters.

Everyone present seemed to have expected that Xiao Yu would definitely die this time.

And only one person, the middle-aged man, looked calm when he saw the scene on the light curtain.

"Does it really end like this?"

Of course, Gu Xichun also felt the calm breath of the person inside who seemed to give up resistance.

"Hahaha! I said, this greatest good fortune must be..."

Gu Xichun hadn't finished speaking, and suddenly his smile stopped abruptly.


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