Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3808: The technique of moving flowers

How did Gu Xichun know how much anger was in Xiao Yu's heart?

Although the power of the dragon, the power of the purple unicorn, and even the power of the Buddha are consumed a lot, don't forget that Xiao Yu's powerful physical power is also one of his fighting instincts.

There was an amazing sound directly in the air.

Xiao Yu's punch of pure power seemed simple, but it was simple and rude, and contained his strongest anger and murderous intent.

The so-called silent victory over sound, intangible victory over tangible, Gu Xichun clearly felt that it was the fist of the **** of death!

Gu Xichun was at the end of the battle, he had to gather the remaining power in front of him to form a defensive energy shield.

In almost a moment, Xiao Yu's fist style also reached the surface of Gu Xichun's energy shield.


Gu Xichun was knocked out on the spot like a broken kite. His chest was completely sunken, and there was a big hole in the clothes on his back.


As Gu Xichun's figure was knocked into the air, a cloud of blood sprayed from his mouth.

The first genius of the five major seminaries was finally injured!

And still seriously injured!

At the moment Gu Xichun was knocked into the air, Xiao Yu once again turned into a golden light and rushed over, at the same time, he punched it out again.

"Do not!!!"

Gu Xichun screamed sadly, only before he died, did he feel that fear.

"Gu Xichun, I am your demon, and you have formed a knot that is not mine? This punch will break our grievances!"


Xiao Yu rushed up and smashed again with a punch. This time, Gu Xichun's figure was like an arrow from the string, and he was knocked out hundreds of meters again, and hit the wall of the hall severely.


The whole hall began to vibrate violently, and at the same time, a ray of light began to envelope Xiao Yu's body from the sky.

Yes, Xiao Yu gained good luck.

In other words, Gu Xichun is dead!

On the outside platform, everyone is silent.

And Yunsheng Academy's face was pale up and down, especially the elders of Yunsheng Academy, his face was even more unbelievable.

After a long while, someone finally said in an unbelievable voice——

"Gu Xichun... is dead?"

Everyone's eyes were filled with horror.

When they looked at the shadow on the light curtain, there was a gesture of looking up.

That Gu Xichun, who was known as one of the five geniuses of Yunsheng College, was actually killed!

The genius who had the most hope to get the appraisal of the secret realm **** fortune was beaten to death with two punches!

The hearts of the people present were all overwhelmed. Although they didn't believe this scene, they knew that Xiao Yu had won.

This young man who was shocked, unbelievable, unexpected, underestimated, disdainful, questioning, etc., with countless people, once again made them feel what a real genius is!

This is the real genius!

"Xiao Yu!" Cheng Chuan's old face was relieved.

The entire Cangling Academy took a deep breath.

Everyone present believes that from today onwards, the name Xiao Yu will surely resound in the five great temples.

Guan Hong's face was gloomy. Although Ling Tian Academy was unwilling, his mouth was dry and beyond words.

Tong Lixing is more than dead!

This is not a side-by-side approach, this is true strength!

It seemed that what they saw was the star slowly rising.

But I didn’t know who it was, and suddenly he was surprised--

"Huh? What is that?"

Everyone heard about the reputation, and even after the middle-aged caller looked over, his eyes showed a cold light.

"Finally can't sit still?"


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