Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3811: Every thought is silent!

Qiu Guang's pupils shrank, what kind of murderousness was this?

Even if he has experienced many battles, even if he is already the world's first-class powerhouse, even if he has read countless people, but he is definitely not shocked today!

Such a murderous intention is simply suffocating!

Even at that moment, it seemed as if there was a hand of death grabbing his neck and tearing his own heart.

In an instant, Qiu Guang felt that he couldn't even make a sound!

Countless **** murderous intentions turned into a cloud of blood, and suddenly, it was shrouded in the sky.

The deathly silence, the power of killing, made Qiu Guang feel that his mind was filled with extreme fear.

This kind of fear pushed him into the abyss, and pushed him to the cliff of ten thousand feet, making him feel desperate for life and silence.

"Qiu Guang!!"

At this moment, an icy voice resounded in Qiu Guang's mind. Qiu Guang felt aroused, and he felt that he had begun to wake up, and at the same time, he had a clear spirit in it.

He suddenly woke up, and even his vision became clear!

What a terrible murder!

Rumors of the murderous intent of the Shura clan are almost chaotic!

Rumor has it that the most perverted, the most culmination of murderous aura, within a single thought, it will be forever! !

"how is this possible!!!"

Qiu Guang was stunned in place, this was only a momentary event! This is just a murderous idea!

But he almost got himself into the killing game.


After all, Qiu Guang is not an ordinary person. He roared, his monstrous aura soared into the sky, even if it was only in the late stage of the psychic realm, even if it did not break through the limit of this incomplete secret realm, but it was like a strong seedling that broke through ten thousand catties of soil. , Finally let the heavy pressure on his head defeated.

too terrifying!

This is a real Shura people!

This is the strongest killing intent in the world!

The time that Qiu Guang entered the organization was not very long, arguably the shortest.

The previous impression of the Shura tribe was that the old people in the organization and even his boss told him, even if he was in awe, but at this moment, when he really came into contact with it, he understood that, in a single thought, he would kill him. Everything!

Although Yanyue was not the performer of Xiao Yu's killing realm power, the people on the side were also affected by this power.

At this time, Xiao Yu is like a **** of death from hell, every move can mess up people's minds and kill people's flesh!

"The Shura clan, this is the Shura clan..." Yan Yue took a deep breath, and the expression in Xiao Yu's eyes completely changed in her beautiful eyes.

At this time, Xiao Yu was naturally motionless, and the **** murderous intent was still pervading.

It was Peng Xiu who sensed this murderous intent, and the solemn look in his eyes was also the strongest in his life.

Yes, Xiao Yu made him feel a kind of horror, even a deep threat.

Before entering the Secret Realm, although the boss told him so many times, the son of Shura must not be underestimated.

Even if he has enough patience, enough calmness, and enough preparation.

But at this moment, Ponxiu was still a little caught off guard.

However, it is precisely because of this that let him know that the son of Shura definitely cannot stay in the world of nine days!

This is not just a huge threat to their organization!

But a scourge!

Of course, Ponxiu is not so noble, to be a savior, and a **** respected by thousands of people.

He just wants to complete the task and fight for the highest glory.

The son of Shura, will undoubtedly die today! !

"No, is the killing power going to reappear again?"


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