Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3815: Xiao Yu VS Qiu Guang (Part 1)


Along with Xiao Yu's loud shout, his Shura fist struck out directly.


An astonishing loud noise rang out, and the terrifying vigor rushed out in all directions.

The entire hall is filled with a very huge howling sound, as if howling, making people's spirits tense.

Even if it was Yanyue, she had already retreated to the door of the hall, and she couldn't help but some silver light began to cover her.

The two simple shots unexpectedly broke out such a terrifying aura.

Immediately afterwards, Qiu Guang's expression changed, because during the confrontation, Qiu Guang actually stepped back a few meters, but Xiao Yu's clothes fluttered, and then he did not step back.

Obviously, during the first encounter between the two, even if Qiu Guang possessed a kind of great ability and a great pair of hands, directly mobilizing heaven and earth spiritual power, it was destroyed by Xiao Yu's killing realm power.

Qiu Guang is not an ordinary psychic late stage, but his physical body is a psychic state. Although his true strength cannot be exerted under the laws of the secret realm, his mind, his original fighting consciousness, and the relationship between heaven and earth This kind of realization cannot be defeated casually.

And obviously, in the current situation, every blow is very critical, and every blow is a life-and-death battle.

Therefore, Qiu Guang's expression was naturally very ugly when he was in a disadvantaged position under his one-handed confrontation.

His age is more than a hundred years old, and his cultivation level, even among the world's first-class experts for nine days, is extremely good.

However, under Xiao Yu's Shura fist, the true chapter can still be seen. This is the Shura family member!

After all, what you need to know is that Qiu Guang is directly urging heaven and earth spiritual power!

This ability to directly stimulate the spiritual power of heaven and earth can only be displayed after the cultivation level reaches a certain level. This is far more powerful than absorption, transformation, and refining.

Because that is directly using the power of heaven and earth!

However, Qiu Guang didn't get any advantage!

Even when Ponxiu saw this scene, his eyes flickered.

Xiao Yu's ability was indeed a bit beyond his expectation.

"Impossible, you can't beat me!"

Qiu Guang roared angrily, then he flipped his hand, and even a black knife appeared.

A closer look reveals that the whole body of this sword has a gray and black color, and an astonishing cold glow is shining on the blade. The deep and deep breath is enough to make people judge that it is not an ordinary product at a glance.

Inferior magic weapon!

Yes, Qiu Guang has used a low-grade magic weapon!

However, Xiao Yu clearly sensed that this was not a simple low-grade magic weapon!

Because of this low-grade magic weapon, the space around the long sword unexpectedly began to vibrate!


The blade began to hum, and a heavy aura spread out.

This is the rank and strength of the weapon, it has reached the critical point of the space plane!

"Boy, although my handle is a low-grade magic weapon, it is made of ancient Yuntie, and it is also an innate magic weapon! Look at me killing you **** today!"

Qiu Guang's character is a very proud person, even if he betrayed his family power, he believed that what he did was right.

His character is stubborn and stubborn, so Xiao Yu has already shocked him too much. If this person cannot be killed, then he will have no face to go back!



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