Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3818: Slaying force

Cheng Chuan's expression changed drastically, and Dai Tianchen and others were also secretly surprised.

Of course they knew who Xiao Yu was. He came from a lower plane. How could he get acquainted with an existence like a hunter on the plane?

Not to mention being chased by plane hunters.

Now Cangling Academy has finally produced such a genius. Now that he is being chased by a plane hunter, how can Chengchuan be willing?

The middle-aged beggar still has a calm face and no waves.

He folded his hands together, bowed his head and said, "Everything has cause and effect."

Everyone still looked at the battle scene in the light curtain, and the mood of Cangling Academy was naturally complicated. The people of the day before yesterday had different thoughts, but the only thing that is certain is that most people are indifferent in their hearts.

Planar hunters have nothing to do with them, on the contrary, they are afraid of their five major temples.

Obviously, these two plane hunters did not hesitate to come here, sneak into the secret realm, chase Xiao Yu, this is a personal grudge.

Qiu Guang's changing blade light finally turned into a halo blade in the air.

The terrifying sword force swept out of the air as huge as three hundred meters!

"Boom boom boom!"

The space in the entire hall was turned into countless small fragments.


The entire wreckage space of the assessment shook violently.

The space in the main hall is simply like the earth is shaking, the sky is turned upside down, and even Yanyue is a little untenable.

"No! This is about to reach the critical point of the limit!!" Yanyue was startled.

This is so far, the most terrifying force in the core secret realm has to bear!

It is also the most extreme state!

"Xiao Yu!"

Of course Yanyue had sensed the astonishing extent of this terrifying knife realm. It was the elder-level talent of her family that might be able to display it!

Obviously, these two plane hunters are really moving!

And this kind of fighting spirit, this kind of realm outside, that is the power to destroy the world!


The three-hundred-meter-large sword beam finally collided with Xiao Yu's fist style.

Once the fist and knife were connected again, the blade mang actually blew into the past again, and this time, Qiu Guang's face was madly white on you, and the moment the horrible sword world bounced away, his low-grade magic soldiers were all directly released Get out.

"Shoo, hoo, hoo!"


Numerous cracks swarmed over Qiu Guang, and Qiu Guang instantly became a blood man, and no skin on his body was intact.

Xiao Yu once again smashed Qiu Guang's peak sword light with his absolute power to kill. This time, Qiu Guang was finally shocked.


The monstrous murderous intent erupted from Xiao Yu's body, Xiao Yu let out a long roar, his murderous intent shook the whole hall.

At the same time, the **** knowledgeable killing realm made Xiao Yu look like a **** of death from hell.

Without a punch, Xiao Yu's murderous intent was to ascend three points.

His fighting spirit was like a galloping sea, his figure surged out, and his fist that held a thousand kilos shook out suddenly.

The terrifying aura blasted over, forming a gas mark in the air, and the space along the way was completely shattered into dense fragments the size of a soybean grain.

Qiu Guang's face was like ashes, and at this moment, Qiu Guang's figure was directly pulled back by a huge force, and then, a huge palm directly blasted out.



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