Shura God Emperor

Chapter 3821: The critical point of getting into trouble (on)

Xiao Yu couldn't imagine that he would hear such things.

Especially, when he heard that he had destroyed his family with one hand, all the murderous intent in his blood suddenly swept out with a "boom", directly impacting his mind and heart.

"Not good!" Qiongqi's face changed drastically.

The monstrous murderous intent swept out, shattered the space in the hall, and the entire hall became extremely unstable.

"Oops! This kid is about to go crazy!" The Golden Wing Dapeng also exclaimed with a change of expression.

Although they had guessed something vaguely, the problem was that Xiao Yu simply didn't know it!

With this ignorance, Xiao Yu is naturally the most easily affected!

And Ponxiu and the others are fancy this!

"This guy, he wants to die with Xiao Yu!!" Qiong Qi exclaimed.

And at this moment, the Buddhism Holy Law in Xiao Yu's mind began to be annihilated!

There was only a light spot that was almost invisible, deep in Xiao Yu's mind!

"This is broken!!" The Golden Wing Dapeng finally couldn't help shaking.


Xiao Yu roared and squeezed his fists. The monstrous **** murderous intent was all over the sky, and it began to madly sweep out under the constant burning.


Xiao Yu's **** murderous intent began to surge out, and the entire hall was filled with a **** black power.

Being enveloped by this Asura aura, Yanyue was completely shocked.

"Is this the power of Shura in the rumor... It is more terrifying than the power of demonic cultivation..." Yanyue was shocked on the spot.

In her opinion, the magic way is one of the most powerful ways in the world of nine days.

The number of cultivators is small, but many are born to fight.

Including their Gintama clan as well.

But even if she was born in a big family and had seen many excellent and powerful cultivators, it was still somewhat different from this kind of Shura breath.

In her opinion, the power of cultivating magic is already very powerful, but she did not expect that the power of cultivating magic is even more terrifying!

"What's the situation!? This kid is really going crazy!?"

"What a terrible aura! Just looking at it like this is going to destroy the world!"

"Look at it, the space is beginning to become fragments, is it about to collapse?"


I could only hear the violent vibration of the swirling vortex in the sky, even twisting.

That is because the wreckage secret realm has begun to withstand such a huge force!

What they couldn't imagine was that the power contained in Xiao Yu's body had reached such a level.

Even if they can’t sense the power of breath inside, but just by looking at it this way, they know that something incredible has happened inside.

"This girl is crazy!? Why isn't she coming out?" At this time, the elders of Zifu Academy were finally anxious.

In this situation, Yanyue should have come out!

Even if you are not afraid of affecting yourself, there is no need to watch the battle inside.

The people at Cangling Academy were more concerned about Xiao Yu's safety.

After all, in this situation, it is possible that there is room for collapse at any time!

"It's a blessing or a curse, it's a curse that can't be avoided, and what should come is still to come." The middle-aged beggar shook his head slightly.

Don't look at him on the surface as if the wind and the waves are calm, there are already many waves in his heart.

After all, for the first time I was invited by the five major temples to supervise the entrance exam for the lower house, but I encountered this kind of thing.


The vortex door leading to the secret realm in the sky suddenly began to flicker and vibrate violently.

"No, the space is going to collapse!"


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